Issue - meetings

Second Quarter Revenue & Capital Monitoring

Meeting: 21/11/2012 - Cabinet. (Item 103)

103 Second Quarter Revenue & Capital Monitoring pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the satisfactory revenue position at the end of the second quarter 2012/13 be noted. 


2.  That the proposals for slippage and re-profiling in the capital programme to 2013/14 be agreed.

3.  That the detail on the collection fund, general fund balances and treasury management activity be noted.


4.  That the respective Cabinet Members receive individual reports regarding the variances highlighted in the report of the Head of Finance & Customer Services as at the end of Quarter 3.






1.  That the satisfactory revenue position at the end of the second quarter 2012/13 be noted. 


2.  That the proposals for slippage and re-profiling in the capital programme to 2013/14 be agreed.

3.  That the detail on the collection fund, general fund balances and treasury management activity be noted.


4.  That the respective Cabinet Members receive individual reports regarding the variances highlighted in the report of the Head of Finance & Customer Services as at the end of Quarter 3.


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