Issue - meetings

Law Commission Consultation Paper on Reforming the Law of Taxi and Private Hire Services

Meeting: 05/09/2012 - Licensing Committee (old regime) (Item 36)

36 Law Commission Consultation Paper on Reforming the Law of Taxi and Private Hire Services pdf icon PDF 56 KB

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The Committee considered the report of the Head of Democratic Services regarding the proposed response to the Law Commission consultation paper on reforming the law of taxi and private hire services.


Members requested that Question 27 be amended to reflect the fact that they would wish to see topographical tests for private hire drivers continued as they felt it was important to private hire drivers to have a high level of topography knowledge.


RESOLVED: That the draft responses, as set out in the Appendix to the report of the Head of Democratic Services, be approved for submission to the Law Commission in response to the consultation paper on reforming the law of taxi and private hire services, subject to the response to Question 27 being amended to reflect the fact that they would wish to see topographical tests for private hire drivers continued as they felt it was important to private hire drivers to have a high level of topography knowledge.