Issue - meetings
15/510186 - Land At Fishers Farm, Fishers Road, Staplehurst, Kent
Meeting: 27/10/2016 - Planning Committee (Item 189)
Additional documents:
- 15/510186 - Committee Report, item 189 PDF 281 KB
- 15.510186.FULL_urgent update, item 189 PDF 70 KB View as HTML (189/3) 19 KB
- 15.510186.FULL Fishers Farm_urgent update161027, item 189 PDF 52 KB View as HTML (189/4) 13 KB
- 15-510186_photos, item 189 PDF 1 MB
The Chairman (Councillor Perry) left the meeting whilst this application was discussed. The Vice-Chairman (Councillor English) took the Chair.
Having disclosed an Other Significant Interest, Councillor Brice left the meeting when this application was discussed.
The Committee considered the report and the urgent update reports of the Head of Planning and Development.
Mrs Thatcher, an objector, Councillor Miss Sharp of Staplehurst Parish Council (against), and Miss Ashton, for the applicant, addressed the meeting.
Having regard to local representations about the proposed highway mitigation works, Members felt that the financial contribution of £68,415 towards junction improvements at the A229/Headcorn Road/Marden Road junction should be deleted from the Heads of Terms of the proposed S106 legal agreement.
1. That subject to the prior completion of a S106 legal agreement in such terms as the Head of Legal Partnership may advise to secure the following:
The provision of 40% affordable residential units within the application site;
A financial contribution of £573,714.31 towards the Phase 2 of the Headcorn Primary School new expansion and site enlargement;
A financial contribution of £95,920.15 towards the cost of acquiring additional land to accommodate the expansion of Headcorn Primary School;
A financial contribution of £365,769 towards the Phase 1 expansion of Cornwallis school;
A financial contribution of £264,365 towards train station improvements at Staplehurst Station;
A financial contribution of £155,400 towards bus service enhancements to increase the frequency of services through Staplehurst village;
A financial contribution of £1,596.78 towards youth equipment (supplied to Youth Workers and organisations covering Staplehurst);
A financial contribution of £5,678.88 towards the cost of providing additional laptops and software to the Adult Education delivery point at Staplehurst Library;
A financial contribution of £8,882.93 towards libraries to address the demand from the development for additional book stock (supplied to Staplehurst Library);
A financial contribution of £157,068 towardsextension, refurbishment and/or upgrade of Staplehurst Health Centre;
A financial contribution of £14,568.75 towards the improvement of existing play facilities at the site known as Lime Trees;
The provision of a Residential Travel Plan to aim to achieve a 10% reduction in development traffic flows covering a 10 year monitoring period, and to include monitoring costs;
Annual monitoring and reporting of the effect of displaced traffic on highway routes surrounding the site (“rat-running” monitoring); and
A financial contribution towards suitable mitigation measures to combat any significant adverse traffic flow conditions as may be established by the monitoring exercise to be conducted (the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to agree the financial contribution),
the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to grant permission subject to the conditions set out in the report as amended by the urgent update reports.
2. That the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to investigate the potential impact of headlights on the amenity of the dwelling immediately adjacent to the proposed Pile Lane access (Home Farm), and whether changes to the alignment of the access are necessary to limit any impact, ... view the full minutes text for item 189