Chairman and Councillors Bartlett, Boughton, M Burton, Kimmance, Munford, Perry, Spooner and Wilby stated
that they had been lobbied.
Committee considered the report of the Head of Planning and
Wallace, an objector, and Councillor Powell, on behalf of
Harrietsham Parish Council, addressed
the meeting.
Contrary to the recommendation of the Head of Planning and
Development, the Committee agree to refuse permission. In making this decision, Members felt that the
proposal, due to its height, scale, prominence and permanence will
have an adverse and detrimental visual impact upon the surrounding
open countryside and foreground and setting of the nearby Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty. The
proposal also fails to satisfactorily integrate into the local
landscape. As such the proposal is
contrary to policies DM1, DM30, DM37 and SP17 of the Maidstone
Borough Local Plan.
permission be refused for the following
proposal, due to its height, scale, prominence and permanence will
have an adverse and detrimental visual impact upon the surrounding
open countryside and foreground and setting of the nearby Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty. The
proposal also fails to satisfactorily integrate into the local
landscape. As such the proposal is
contrary to policies DM1, DM30, DM37 and SP17 of the Maidstone
Borough Local Plan.
Voting: 10 –
For 0 –
Against 1 -