Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Orla Sweeney  01622 602524

No. Item


The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be web-cast.


It was resolved that all items be webcast





Apologies were received from Councillor Mrs Wilson.



Notification of Substitute Members.


There were no Substitute Members.



Notification of Visiting Members.


There were no Visiting Members.



Disclosures by Members and Officers:

a)  Disclosures of interest.

b)  Disclosures of lobbying.

c)  Disclosures of whipping.


There were no disclosures.



To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information.


It was agreed that all items be taken in public as proposed.



Minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2012 pdf icon PDF 88 KB


On page 3, paragraph two, two minor amendments were made to the grammatical phrasing for ease of read.


It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 March 2012 should be agreed as a correct record of the meeting and duly signed.



Welfare Reform Update pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Additional documents:


Steve McGinnes, Head of Revenues and Benefits had returned to the Committee to update Members on Welfare Reform and to respond to the recommendations that had been made previously by the Committee with regards to Welfare Reform.


Mr McGinnes gave two presentations. The first presentation explained the changes to benefits and the timescales involved in the implementation of Universal Credit.


The Officer explained the range of changes introduced in 2011/12 and the changes to be implemented during 2012/13:


Changes Implemented during 2011/12

·  The removal of the five bedroom Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate;

·  An absolute cap on LHA rates;

·  LHA rates set at 30th percentile;

·  £15 weekly excess removed;

·  An increased deduction made for other adults (non dependents) living at home; and

·  An additional room allowed for Carers.


Changes to be implemented during 2012/13

·  The shared room rate in Local Housing Allowance is to be extended to all claimants under 35.  Currently applied to those under 25; and

·  LHA rates frozen.


Changes Planned for 2013/14

·  Size criteria rules will be introduced to the Social Rented Sector

·  A benefit cap introduced for the maximum amount of benefit received by any family;

·  Replacing social fund with local welfare payments;

·  New Fraud Investigation Service delivered by DWP;

·  Introduction of Local Council Tax Discount; and

·  Introduction of Universal Credit.


The Officer explained that there would be a significant number of customers affected as the introduction of changes had been transitional. Those protected so far would be affected over the course of the next few months as the changes came into affect in January 2012.


Mr McGinnes informed Members that he had investigated the impact of the changes on the Housing department.  They had reported a significant increase in those seeking advice and those presenting themselves as homeless. There had been 140 cases in the first three quarters of the year so far in comparison to 27 the previous year.  The cause of this rise was also attributed to the Housing Market and the current Economic Climate.


The shared room rate for Local Housing Allowance, now raised from single persons under 25 years old to under 35, was highlighted as this would have an effect a particular economic group.


The ‘size criteria rule’ was also highlighted as this would reduce benefits payments to those occupying a property too large for their needs. Members questioned whether the onus would be on the Housing Association or tenant in reporting this. The Officer explained that tenants would be asked but a system of verification would be put in place.


Members were informed that there would be a benefits cap of £250 per week for a single person and £500 for a family. Exceptions to this would be working families and the disabled.  The Committee were also told that the Social Fund would be replaced and the function would be passed to the council.  It would be a discretionary fund, for day to day living costs.


Members questioned whether fraud staff, currently employed by Maidstone Borough Council, would report  ...  view the full minutes text for item 115.


The Council as a Business Review draft report pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the draft review report.  Members reported an item at a recent Planning Committee where the Council had submitted an application to advertise on sites it owned.  It was felt that this demonstrated the direction the Council was taking which the Committee’s report was sanctioning.


It was felt that the report would benefit from an additional paragraph at the beginning of the section entitled ‘Income Generation’ in the recommendations that reemphasised the Committee’s stance on this area of the Council’s business which was addressed in the Chairman’s summary.  The Scrutiny Officer was supplied with the agreed wording.


Members discussed the recent expansion of the Museum in the context of Tourism.  Whilst it was felt that Tourism, now delivered by Economic Development, fell within the remit of Regeneration and Economic Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Members also felt that it deserved some mention in the report as the Museum related to the Council’s facilities and assets.  It was suggested that an additional section should be added to the recommendations entitled ‘Further Consideration’ and a recommendation should be made that noted the importance of Tourism.


The recommendations made within the report in relation to Income Generation were selected by Members from suggestions made by staff and the public as part of their consultation.  The Committee felt that the recommendations relating to the way in which the Council generated an income from its buildings and land needed to be more explicit. There was no model in place for hiring out Council owned buildings and land and this was something that needed to be addressed as part of the recommendations.


Members considered the Town Hall in relation to the redevelopment of the High Street and the new square.  It was felt that the Town Hall, in particular, would have an important role to play in future events that took place in the new square.


It was resolved that:


a)  The an additional paragraph should be inserted at the beginning of the Income Generation section of the report;


b)  An additional section be added, entitled ‘Further Consideration’ with a recommendation that notes the importance of Tourism to Maidstone;


c)  That the Chairman meet with the Scrutiny Officer to agree the final changes to the report as detailed in the discussion that took place at the meeting and the report be circulated to Members; and


d)  That following the agreed amendments being made to the report, the Committee approves the report for submission to the appropriate Cabinet Member and external bodies.



Work Programming 2012-13 pdf icon PDF 42 KB


Members discussed the work programme for the following year and possible review topics.  The Committee felt that Homelessness should be scrutinised as a result of the significant rise reported in the previous item.


The Committee considered Arts and Culture.  It was felt that this was an area that was not currently addressed by the authority in its strategic priorities but in terms of regeneration it could have an important role to play.


Resolved: That the following items be put forward for the Overview and Scrutiny work programme:


  • Homelessness; and


  • Arts and Culture. 




Duration of Meeting


6.33 p.m. to 8.27 p.m.