Agenda and minutes
Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone
Contact: Debbie Snook 01622 602030
No. | Item |
Prayers Minutes: Prayers were said by the Very Reverend John S Richardson of All Saints Church.
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bryant and Khadka.
Dispensations Minutes: There were no applications for dispensations.
Disclosures by Members and Officers Minutes: Councillor Jones stated that she was the ex-Chairman and a founder-member of the Against Lidsing Garden Development Group. However, she was approaching agenda item 10 (Oral Report of the Cabinet held on 19 March 2024 – Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021-2038 Adoption) with an open mind and was not pre-determined.
Disclosures of Lobbying Minutes: All Members stated that they had been lobbied on agenda item 10 – Oral Report of the Cabinet held on 19 March 2024 – Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021-2038 Adoption.
Exempt Items Minutes: RESOLVED: That all items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.
Petitions Minutes: There were no petitions.
Questions from Local Residents (a)Leader of the Council (b)Cabinet Members (c)Chairmen of Decision-Making Committees
Minutes: Councillor Peter Coulling, Chairman of Teston Parish Council, to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development
I am Chairman, Teston Parish Council. We are on the border with Tonbridge & Malling, which, currently, is enduring the NPPF-enforced adverse impact of not having a valid Local Plan; that is, presumptionin favour ofsustainable development. Do you believe that Members are sufficiently briefed on that worrying impact, should our Borough cease to have a valid Local Plan when considering future applications from developers, including applications for major developments in unwelcome locations?
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development responded to the question.
Councillor Coulling asked the following supplementary question of the Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development:
Does that mean that you will be recommending to all Members here this evening that, despite no doubt some personal reservations, it is strongly in the overall interests of this Borough that this Local Plan Review should be adopted?
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development responded to the question.
To listen to the answers to these questions, please follow this link:
Questions from Members of the Council (a)Leader of the Council (b)Cabinet Members (c)Chairmen of Decision-Making Committees Minutes: Councillor Heidi Bryant to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development
The Mayor asked the following question of the Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development on behalf of Councillor Bryant who was unable to be present at the meeting:
If the Local Plan goes through can Councillor Cooper please commit to working with me and Boxley Parish Council even more closely in the future to understand our residents' concerns and create the best possible outcome relating to infrastructure and to mitigate against the significant disruption that could affect our residents in the affected areas of Boxley Ward?
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development responded to the question.
The Mayor advised the Council that in line with the Constitution, a written response would be sent to Councillor Bryant.
Councillor Tom Sams to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development
We are here this evening to come to a decision on our Local Plan. This extraordinary meeting is called prior to the elections and just before Purdah. This meeting makes it difficult for Parish Councils to respond and is seen by many to be rushed.
How would you answer those who say that you and this Council are putting this forward at this time for politically expedient reasons?
The Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development responded to the question.
Councillor T Sams did not wish to ask a supplementary question of the Cabinet Member for Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development arising out of the original question or the reply.
To listen to the answers to these questions, please follow this link:
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Mayor and the Chief Executive drew the Council’s attention to the following documents received by or arising from the previous night’s Cabinet meeting on the topic of the Local Plan Review:
Local Plan Review Adoption – Briefing Note Kent County Council’s Response to Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021-2038 Adoption – 19 March 2024 Briefing Note on Kent County Council’s Response Comments Made by the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Policy Advisory Committee on the Local Plan Review Appendix 1 - Housing Trajectory – Clearer Version Officer Advice on Delay/Deferral of a Decision
The Mayor also drew the Council’s attention to (a) Kent County Council’s response received very late that afternoon to the Cabinet’s decision the previous night to recommend to the Council that the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021-2038 be adopted and (b) a briefing note on the response.
The following Members of the public addressed the Council:
Mr Steve Heeley – Save Our Heath Lands Mr Ray Dines
The following Parish Council representatives addressed the Council:
Councillor John Britt – Lenham Parish Council Councillor Andrew Lawrence – Bredhurst Parish Council Councillor Geraldine Brown – Yalding Parish Council
Councillor Holmes entered the meeting during the statements by Parish Council representatives (7.08 p.m.). He stated that he had no disclosures of interest or of lobbying.
It was moved by Councillor Cooper, seconded by Councillor Burton, that the recommendations of the Cabinet relating to adoption of the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review 2021-2038 be approved.
Amendment moved by Councillor Jeffery, seconded by Councillor J Sams:
1. That the decision to adopt the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review (2021-2038) at Appendix D to the report of Cabinet held on the 19 March 2024, which incorporates the Inspector’s Main Modifications, and the Policies Map at Appendix E to the report of Cabinet held on the 19 March 2024, be deferred to an Extraordinary Council meeting to be held between 2 and 4 weeks after the AGM in May to allow a new elected Council to make that decision.
2. That the Head of Spatial Planning & Economic Development be given delegated authority to make any non-material, typographical corrections, and formatting changes, as required prior to and post any decision that may be taken by the Council.
When put to the vote, the amendment was lost.
Voting: 11 – For 32 – Against 9 – Abstentions
Amendment moved by Councillor English, seconded by Councillor Harwood:
That the first recommendation be amended to read:
That the decision to adopt the Maidstone Borough Local Plan Review (2021-2038) at Appendix D to the report of Cabinet held on the 19 March 2024, which incorporates the Inspector’s Main Modifications, and the Policies Map at Appendix E to the report of Cabinet held on the 19 March 2024, be deferred until 18 April 2024 to consider the issues raised in Kent County Council’s letter dated 20 March 2024, discuss those issues with them and put in train the resolutions required to ensure the Plan is sound.
Duration of Meeting Minutes: 6.30 p.m. to 8.40 p.m.
Note: The meeting adjourned between 7.25 p.m. to 7.35 p.m. in order to restart the webcast.