
Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone

Contact: Debbie Snook  01622 602030

No. Item




Apologies for Absence


Applications for Dispensations (if any)


Disclosures by Members and Officers


Disclosures of Lobbying


To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information




Notice of Motion - Honorary Alderman - Mrs Cynthia Robertson

Notice of the following motion has been given by Councillor English, seconded by Councillor Harwood:


Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972 states that a Council may confer the title of Honorary Alderman on any person who, in the opinion of the Council, has rendered eminent services to the Council as a past Member of that Council, but who is no longer a Member of the Council.  It brings no special rights but is intended to reflect the esteem of the Council and of the wider community.  It is proposed that Mrs Cynthia Robertson should receive such an honour.


Mrs Cynthia Robertson was a Member of Maidstone Borough Council for over 37 years; from May 1982 until May 1994 representing North Ward and from October 1998 until May 2024 representing Allington Ward.  Cynthia served on most Committees and was Chairman of the North Area Planning Committee.  She was also Mayoress during 1996/97.


It is fitting that such a long serving and dedicated former Councillor be awarded the honour.


I therefore propose that in pursuance of Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, this Council confers the title of Honorary Alderman upon Mrs Cynthia Robertson in recognition and acknowledgement of her eminent services rendered to the Council.


Information for the Public

In order to make a statement in relation to an item on the agenda, please call 01622 602899 or email by 4 p.m. one clear working day before the meeting (i.e. by 4 p.m. on Monday 23 September 2024). You will need to tell us which agenda item you wish to speak on.


If you require this information in an alternative format please contact us, call 01622 602899 or email


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