Agenda and decisions

Contact: Karen Luck  01622 602743

No. Item


Sale of Land adjacent to Hayle Place Stud Farm, Postley Road, Tovil pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Additional documents:


1.  That the earlier decision of December 2007 be amended, so the Council may dispose of the land at Postley Road to the adjacent land-owner and;


2.  That the offer from the adjacent  land owner is agreed (outlined in the draft Heads of Terms attached as Exempt Appendix I), for the purchase of the land owned by Maidstone Borough Council at Postley Road and which is shown hatched red on the attached plan.


3.  That the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services be given delegated authority to conclude the terms of the agreement for sale between the Council and the adjacent land owner.


4.  That the Head of Legal Services be given delegated authority to enter a contract of sale, based upon the terms agreed by the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment.



Exempt Appendix to Report of Assistant Director Environment & Regulatory Services - Sale of Land adjacent to Hayle Place Stud Farm, Postley Rd, Tovil