Agenda and minutes

Venue: Town Hall, High Street, Maidstone. View directions

Contact: Orla Sweeney  01622 602524

No. Item


The Committee to consider whether all items on the agenda should be web-cast


Resolved:  That all items be web-cast.



Apologies for Absence


Councillor Jenni Sharp sent her apologies.



Notification of Substitute Members


There were no substitute Members.




Notification of Visiting Members


There were no visiting Members.





Disclosures by Members and Officers:

a)  Disclosures of interest

b)  Disclosures of lobbying

c)  Disclosures of whipping



Councillor Beerling disclosed a personal interest in Item 8 by virtue of previous employment with Golding Homes and Councillor Yates for his involvement with the Paper Industry.







To consider whether any items should be taken in private because of the possible disclosure of exempt information


Resolved:  That all items be taken in public as proposed.





Amendment to Order of Business


It was resolved that item 7, Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 January 2011, should be taken after item 8, Securing Water Supplies.




Securing Water Supplies pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Interviews with:


·  Lee Dance, Head of Resource and Environmental at South East Water; and

·  A representative from Building Control.


The Chairman welcomed Alan Turner, Principle Regeneration & Projects Officer at Kent County Council and thanked him for coming along at such short notice.


Mr Turner began by giving Members a brief outline of his role.  He explained that he was the technical lead on water issues at KCC and Chair of the Partnership ‘Water Demand Management’ developing water initiatives with consumer groups and Councils with the involvement of the  Environment Agency and Water Companies. Mr Turner told the Committee there had been a particular focus on Ashford as there were acute issues there but these were now reduced. Members questioned the involvement with Ashford relating its growth point status and possible similar issues for Maidstone. The Committee asked how the water supply could continue taking into account the growth estimated of approximately 10,000 homes in Maidstone and the already distressed state of the existing aquifers.  Mr Turner said that he was not sure if there would be a problem. He explained there were a number of supply options and a great deal of potential for improved water efficiency.


Mr Turner referred to the recent Water Enquiry and the 5 companies that supply Kent.  Part of the problem he suggested was that Kent was constrained by the fragmented geography of water companies areas and limited trading and sharing of water resources so there was greater potential for this.  Members asked if there was a wider water infrastructure and how Maidstone would fit into this. The Officer explained that there was not a national water grid and it was too energy intensive to move water around long distances. Mr Turner explained that the water industry regulator OFWAT was considering splitting water companies into two areas of operation; retail and strategic and that in time this may form two types of business that would break down the vertical monopoly.


Members raised concerns over regeneration projects and developers and discussed with Mr Turner the use of underground reservoirs, storm drains and the possibility of recycling this water on sites. Mr Turner explained that there were new requirements for development to deal with surface water on site. He explained that if there was capacity to do so water companies may allow a surface water connection to a combined sewer however, this would no longer be the normal practice. In future the Flood and Water Management Act would charge developments with the responsibility of demonstrating that they were using Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and where possible recharge ground water so it did not contribute to downstream flooding.  Mr Turner explained that the details of this were with Department for Rural Affairs (DEFRA) but that KCC would have new responsibilities for sustainable surface water management including responsibility for adopting and owning sustainable drainage features. He explained that KCC were waiting to hear from DEFRA and for national guidance.  The Committee questioned the part planning authorities like Maidstone would take.  Mr Turner explained that the details had not been decided but an officer had been  ...  view the full minutes text for item 79.


Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 January 2011 pdf icon PDF 74 KB


Resolved:  That the minutes be approved subject to the amendments of minute number 68 be agreed as a correct record and duly signed by the Chairman.






Climate Change Framework pdf icon PDF 50 KB

Interview with Jennifer Hunt, EMS Project Manager and Brian Morgan, Assistant Director Regeneration & Cultural Services.


Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed Jennifer Hunt, EMS Project Officer. Ms Hunt came to present a draft version of the Climate Change Framework to gain the Committee’s feedback.


Ms Hunt gave the Committee a background to the draft report, explaining that the report was to demonstrate how Maidstone Borough Council planned to replace the Climate Change Action Plan. The Officer explained that the report was intended to be overarching and to put into context work that was already been carried out in the existing action plans. She explained that the objectives related to all current and future action plans and strategies.


Members felt that it was important that the language used was as simple as possible as it was a subject that could sometimes be difficult to immediately engage with for Members and the general public.  Ms Hunt responded to the request and agreed that this was important and she would ensure that this was taken into account when the document was revisited and revised.  The Officer explained that it was deliberately short and to the point for this reason.


Ms Hunt tackled the public scepticism that could exist with regard to Climate Change explaining that CO2  levels were at an unprecedented high since industrialisation and the climate had been reacting to a different gas make up and this was blocking energy leaving the atmosphere causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. Members questioned the natural methods of dealing with CO2  such as by planting trees. Ms Hunt explained that the Framework itself was overarching and that trees were a fundamental part of dealing with CO2.  Through the remit of the strategies in place they were aiming to reduce the level of CO2 the Council were producing.  A Member summarised the information presented explaining that the Council itself consumed a lot of energy so their contribution was to reduce it’s emissions by becoming more energy efficient.


Members recalled a County Scheme the previous year where trees were being given away free of charge which had benefited a number of communities. The Committee also made reference to the stipulations associated with new road building which meant trees have to be planted.  Members asked for a definition of the term ‘zero emissions’. Ms Hunt explained that the term referred to a building that generated enough energy to support itself in terms of heat and water measures to become self sufficient in terms of energy.  Members also sought understanding of the conversion factor used for carbon depending on the energy type. The Officer explained that some energy sources would have a greater impact and all were converted into a carbon equivalent for measurement. It was felt that reports like the Carbon Framework would help explain Maidstone’s efforts and inform the public.


Members discussed the inefficiency of older properties and the grants and initiatives that were available to tackle this.  The Officer informed the committee that the Heat seekers scheme was to be rolled out the whole borough so homes would be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81.


Local Strategic Partnership - Written Update pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


Members considered the written update on the Local Strategic Partnership.  The Committee discussed the information provided and the purpose of the Partnership; resolving that it was a networking tool. Members felt that there was nothing in the document that they had not been previously been made aware of.


Members felt that the two delivery groups had relevance to the Committee’s remit and discussed inviting the appropriate delivery group Chairman along to their next meeting.


It was resolved:


a)  That the LSP should be thanked for their update and passed the following questions from the Committee:


·  What were the delivery groups doing to avoid duplication;


·  What solutions were they looking to achieve through their aims and objectives;


·  What were their priorities linked to; and


·  What were they hoping to deliver and by when.






Future Work Programme pdf icon PDF 43 KB

Additional documents:


Members reviewed their future work programme taking into consideration the Forward Plan and the relevant Performance Indicator Exceptions provided in the report.


It was resolved:


a)  That Communal Spaces would be removed from the future work programme;


b)  That Lee Dance, Carolyn Mackenzie and Development Control should be invited to the next meeting to continue looking at water;


c)  That Georgia Hawkes, Jennifer Gosling and David Edwards be invited to attend the next meeting to provide an update on the Best Value Review on waste and recycling


d)  That King Street Multi Story Car Park be kept on the future work programme and revisited at an appropriate time; and


e)  That written updates should be requested from Jason Taylor on Mote Park in relation to the Performance Indicator Exceptions Report and on King Street Multi Storey Car Park from Steve Goulette.