Housing renewal grants

We can provide grant assistance to improve or repair homes, or to make them accessible for disabled residents.

Grants for disabled adaptations

Grants of up to £30,000 are available for disabled residents (owner occupiers, or tenants).

Financial eligibility

The amount of grant available is based on income and savings of the disabled person and their spouse. All grant applicants are subject to a means test unless the work is for a disabled child. You can find out if you might have to contribute towards the cost of the work using the AdaptMyHome calculator.

It may still be worth applying for a grant even if you don't qualify. Contributions towards one grant can be taken into account for any additional applications and this may reduce your contribution should a future application be necessary. You may also be entitled to assistance from the Kent County Council who have separate funding to assist applicants.

Work eligibility

These grants are for works to a property to enable disabled persons to manage independently in their own home. Works might include:

  • improving the access into and out of the home
  • making access easier to the living room, bedroom or bathroom
  • providing suitable bathroom and kitchen facilities

You can complete a self-assessment on the AdaptMyHome website.

Occupation eligibility

The disabled person must agree to live in the property for a reasonable period after the grant has been given.

Home Improvement Agency

The local Home Improvement Agency can help you obtain quotes, complete a grant application, and supervise the works.


You must be referred by Kent County Council Occupational Therapy service who will arrange an assessment of your needs.

Disabled top-up grant

A discretionary top-up grant of up to £10,000 are available for owner occupiers to help pay for works identified through the Disabled Facilities Grant process.

The grant is repayable on sale or transfer of the property and will be registered as a local land charge.

Work eligibility

To pay for:

  • repairs or other work to owner occupied premises which are essential to allow the works specified under a Disabled Facilities Grant to go ahead or be completed.
  • up to £1,000 of an applicant’s contribution towards the cost of a Disabled Facilities Grant where the funding is not available or cannot reasonably be borrowed elsewhere.
  • reasonably incurred top-up costs where the necessary works are in excess of the mandatory limit where the funding is not available or cannot reasonably be borrowed elsewhere.
  • additional works that the Occupational Therapist recommends during the grant application which are classed as essential but fall outside the scope of the grant. Where the funding is not available or cannot reasonably be borrowed elsewhere.
  • for an applicant’s reasonable costs of moving within the borough to a more suitable property subject to a report from an Occupational Therapist as to why the existing property is not suitable for adaptations and the suitability of the new property is considered to be the most viable and cost-effective option.

Reasonable costs of moving relating to the sale and purchase of a property would include the following:

  • legal fees
  • estate agent’s fees
  • stamp duty
  • land registration fees
  • survey fees
  • electrical and drainage inspection fees
  • removal costs (lowest of at least two quotes)
  • redirection of mail if necessary (for a period of 12 weeks maximum)

Funding will not be provided to meet any cost difference between the new and existing property price.

To pay for works as specified by an Occupational Therapist or Trusted Assessor which are deemed as ‘urgent’ and ‘simple’ as defined by guidance. Where funding is not available or cannot reasonably be borrowed elsewhere. Work to install or repair a stairlift for someone in hospital or in care but is unable to return home without this could be classed as urgent and simple.

Grants for repairs

Discretionary grants of up to £30,000 are available for owner occupiers.

Financial eligibility

The occupier(s) must be in receipt of a means tested benefit such as:

  • Council Tax Support
  • Guaranteed Pension Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Income Support
  • Universal Credit
  • Working tax credit with an income of less than £15,050
  • Child tax credit with an income of less than £15,050

Work eligibility

The property must require repairs or improvements to make it free from serious hazards. Examples of these types of problems might be to repair or renew a leaking roof, sort out serious dampness problems, or to renew dangerous wiring.

Occupation eligibility

The owner must have lived in the property for at least three years and must be their only residence.


These grants are offered on a discretionary basis and are subject to sufficient funds being available. The grant is repayable on sale or transfer of the property and will be registered as a local land charge.

Contact us

You can email us or call 01622 602440 to find out more.

Energy efficiency top-up grant

We may provide assistance to vulnerable homeowners up to a maximum of £5,000 for works to top-up other local or nationally funded grants.

Applicants must own their own property for at least three years and be on a means tested benefit. The grant is repayable on sale or transfer of the property.

Applicants must have an application such as under the ECO grant scheme or Boiler Upgrade Scheme.

If you have been asked to make a contribution towards the cost which you cannot afford email us or call 01622 602440 to find out more.

Local authority flex of ECO Grant

The ECO grant can install heating and insulation measures and is normally applied for via your energy supplier.

We have a policy to include a greater number of people for ECO Grants from energy suppliers. This is because we have identified a link between households who suffer from long-term health conditions and living off a low-income, with living in poorly insulated homes based on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2015 guidance.

You must apply for an ECO grant through your energy supplier and then contact us if you meet the extra qualifications.

Extra ECO grant qualifications

If your home has an Energy Performance Certificate rating of:

  • D, E, F or G and your household has an income less than £31,000.
  • E, F or G and at least 2 of the following apply:
    • your home is the following wards: Shepway South and North, Parkwood, High Street, or North Downs
    • you are in receipt of Council Tax Support
    • someone in your household has a health condition made worse by the cold
    • a child under your care receives free school meals due to low income, and
    • you have been referred to us for support by your energy supplier or Citizen's Advice, because you have been identified as struggling to pay your electricity and gas bills.
  • D, E, F or G and your household has been identified by a doctor or GP as low-income and vulnerable, with an occupant whose health conditions may be impacted further by living in a cold home. These health conditions may be cardiovascular, respiratory, immunosuppressed, or limited mobility related.

Health conditions made worse by the cold

  • cardiovascular (ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease)
  • respiratory (in particular chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD and childhood asthma)
  • mental heath conditions (e.g. schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)
  • people with disabilities
  • people who are terminally ill
  • people with supressed immune systems (e.g. from cancer treatment, HIV, MS)
  • neurobiological and related diseases (e.g. fibromyalgia and ME)
  • haemoglobinopathies (sickle cell disease, thalassaemia)
  • people with severe learning difficulties
  • people who move in and out of homelessness

Vulnerable to the cold

  • aged over 60, particularly over 75
  • young children under 5 and/or pregnant women
  • people with addictions (e.g. substance misusers)
  • people who have attended hospital due to a fall in the last year
  • people diagnosed with dementia
  • recent immigrants of asylum seekers and refugees if living in private tenure

Contact us

You can email us or call 01622 602440 to find out more.