Local Land Charges

See below to find out about how to search Local Land Charges in Maidstone. Fees in Swale can be found on their website and for Tunbridge Wells please visit their website.



The service is based at Maidstone House. You can contact them by emailing pslandcharges@midkent.gov.uk, calling 01622 602251, writing to DX 4819 Maidstone or

Local Land Charges
Maidstone House
King Street
ME15 6JQ

Local Searches

A local search will reveal information relating to planning, road adoption and other vital information for house buyers.

There are two types of search, official searches and personal searches. Both take information from our Local Land Charges Register.

Official Searches


Official searches are made up of an LLC1 and a CON29 form.

The LLC1

This form asks for information held on our local land charges register about a property. This includes anything about tree preservation orders, planning decisions etc. We guarantee the information on it.

The CON29

  • Building regulations
  • Common land
  • Contaminated land
  • Infringements
  • Nearby road and traffic schemes
  • Outstanding notices
  • Property history
  • Public rights of way

Apply for official search

You can apply online using the TM Search Choice or National Land Information Service website.

Searches can also be submitted by the National Land Information Service (NLIS) website.

Please note all Search results are returned electronically.

How long will it take?

We aim to complete official searches within five working days.

Personal Searches


Personal searches of our local land charges register are free, but aren't guaranteed by us. You can also ask for answers to the CON29 questions at the same time, however some of them are chargeable.

In 2020 we will be publishing the Local Land Charges Register on the website so that you can view the register any time you want. Once this has gone live we will no longer provide Personal Search of the Local Land Charges Register by email as you can access the information yourself. 
If however you would like an emailed copy of the register you can do this through the Enhanced Personal Search Service.




Official Search Fees

You can request a search using our online form.

Apply online

All fees include VAT.

Application Current fees
LLC1 Only £15
LLC1 Only - additional parcel of land £4.80
Con29 £172.20
Con29 - Additional Parcel £25.20
Standard Search (LLC1 and Con29) £187.20
Standard Search (LLC1 and Con29) - additional parcel of land £30
Part 2 Enquiry - Con29 Questions 4-21 £17
Part 2 Enquiry - Con29 Question 22 £31.50
Additional Questions £23.95
Personal search of the register Free

Personal Search CON29 Fees

You can request a search using our online form. All fees include VAT.

Apply Online

Question NumberDescription Current fees
1.1 (a-i) Planning decisions and applications £8.80
1.1 (j-l) Building control decisions £8.80
1.2 Planning policy  -
2.1 (a) Highway maintenance status -
2.1 (b-d) Highway maintenance status £4.40
3.1 Land required for public services £4.40
3.2 Land for road works -
3.3 Drainage £4.40
3.4 (b-d) Nearby road schemes -
3.5 (a-b) Nearby railway schemes £4.40
3.6 (a-l) Traffic schemes -
3.7 (a-g) Outstanding notices £12.60
3.8 Contravention of building regulations £4.40
3.9 (a-n) Enforcement notices and planning orders £8.80
3.10 Community infrastructure levy £6
3.11 Conservation areas -
3.12 Compulsory purchase £4.40
3.13a Contaminated land Free
3.13b Contaminated land £4.40
3.13c Contaminated land £4.40
3.14 Radon Gas -
3.15 Assets of community value -

Frequently Asked Questions


What's the Local Land Charges Register?

It's a register of all charges recorded against a property for example financial charges, planning applications, enforcement notices etc. It's made up of 12 parts. We maintain the registers for Maidstone, Swale and Tunbridge Wells electronically.

Who carries out a Local Land Charge search?

A search is carried out when a property is advertised for sale, leased or remortgaged and is usually carried out by your solicitor. We'd usually get the request directly from them or your Licensed Conveyancer.

What's the CON29R form?

The CON29R form has standard questions that cover road adoption, building regulations, conservation areas and the history of a property.

Can I ask any other questions?

Questions 4-22 of the CON29O form are optional and cover things like public rights of way, village greens, common land, hazardous substances etc. There are also additional questions you can ask about other developments near to the property being searched. There's a fee for each additional question you ask.

Can I cancel my search after I've sent it?

After a search has been sent to us and logged onto our systems, we can't cancel it.

Can you expedite my search?

We don't expedite searches because the information comes from many different teams in the council. We aim to return your search results within five working days.

How will I get my search?

Once we've completed the search, we'll email it to you. We can only send it to the person who made the request.

What's a personal search?

It's an inspection of the register. We'll email you a copy of the registered charges affecting your property.

How do I find out who owns a property or piece of land?

To find out who owns a property or piece of land speak to the Land Registry.

What if I have a complaint?

You can make a complaint about Land Charges by using our online form.

How do I get copies of documents revealed in my search?

You can get copies of documents revealed in an official search directly from the relevant department. For more information read the appendix on the back page of your search.

You can search for planning applications, including any supporting documents, comments and decision notices on our Planning Application Search page. For copies of older planning applications that aren't currently online or section 106 agreements, email pstechnical@midkent.gov.uk

Additional land or property parcels

Searches are usually submitted for one parcel of land or property, but on occasion extra parcels may be required in these cases a parcel fee is payable. A simple way to work this out is if there are multiple individually rated, paying council tax, properties or land being sold in one transaction, then the fee will be payable, this may not be applicable for all searches. If you are unsure whether you need to pay extra parcels for your search area please email a plan and the address to pslandcharges@midkent.gov.uk and we will give you a quote for the search.