Local Land Charges register disclaimer

This disclaimer applies to personal land charges searches.

The mapping system must not be solely relied upon. To conduct a Local Land Charges (LLC) search, take precautions if you wish to rely on the information. Additional links at the end of this page can help you cross-reference your results.

You are responsible for:

  • locating and interpreting the information
  • checking the whole area on a large search to display all relevant records

If you believe something is missing from the online mapping system after inspecting all relevant registers, email landcharges@midkent.gov.uk. Allow up to five working days for a response.

Planning register

You can inspect the planning register using the public planning search.

Alternatively, you can request an LLC1 search. A Local Land Charges Officer will create a tailored report, which will be emailed to you. The Local Authority guarantees this search. There is a fee for this service.

Ordnance Survey data

The base mapping used within the system is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey with the permission of the Controller of His Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright.

Maidstone Borough Council licence no: AC0000807001, 2025

Address data

The address search tool uses data from the Local Land and Property Gazetteer. If you think there is an error in this data, email StreetNamingNumbering@midkent.gov.uk


Extracts taken from the online mapping are not acceptable as site plans for planning and building control applications, nor are they admissible in court proceedings.

Curtilage listed building

The mapping shows the outline of the listed building as designated by Historic England. It does not show curtilage listed properties. More information is available on the Maidstone's Listed Buildings document.

Conservation Areas and Article 4s

We advise checking that conservation areas and Article 4 directions are correctly marked on your information.