Land Charges Interactive Mapping
Interactive Local Land Charges Mapping System
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within the online mapping is correct and up to date, it cannot be guaranteed that information will always be accurate and complete. Therefore, the mapping system must not be relied upon on its own in order to conduct a Local Land Charges search and you should take adequate precautions if you wish to rely on the information. At the end of this document there are additional links to other sources to help cross-reference your results.
Please note it is your responsibility to locate the information you require and interpret it for your purposes. If you are searching a large area you will need to check and search the whole area to ensure all the relevant records held have been displayed.
If, after inspecting all the relevant available registers, you believe something is missing from the online mapping system please email the Land Charges team and we will endeavour to investigate it, this may take up to 5 working days to respond to.
Under Rule 7 of the Local Land Charges Rules of 1977 the planning register can be inspected by using the public planning register.
If you preferred to be emailed an extract of the register we can do this on your behalf but this is unrefined information and you will still need to make a decision on what information is relevant to the search area or search property.
Alternatively, you can request a LLC1 and an experienced Local Land Charges Officer will create a tailored bespoke report which would be emailed to you, it’s guaranteed by the Local Authority and on average once logged it’s returned by email in 5 working days. For further information on the other services we provide please refer to the local authority website.
Ordnance Survey data
Base mapping used within the online mapping is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorized reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.
Maidstone Borough Council licence no. 100018386.
Address data
The data used in the address search tool is held in the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG), which we create and maintain. If you think you have seen an error in this data, please email this to
Extracts taken from the online mapping will not be accepted as site plans for planning and building control applications, nor are they admissible in court proceedings.
Curtilage listed building
The mapping shows the outline of the listed building as designated by Historic England it does not show curtilage listed properties. If you want confirmation on curtilage listed building please contact the relevant authorities Listed Building Officer for confirmation, contact details can be found on the authorities’ website.