Health and Safety

We enforce and give advice to workplaces to make sure health, safety and welfare standards are met and not causing a risk to the public and employees.

We enforce the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 in some workplaces in the borough. All other businesses are enforced by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

We inspect these workplaces and make sure they are meeting the legislation, investigate accidents and cases of ill health and we provide information, guidance and advice. We also look into reports in relation to accidents, dangerous occurrences and diseases.

To report an accident call 01622 602205. If an accident occurs somewhere else it needs to be reported to the HSE.

You are expected to write your own policies and carry out the necessary assessments. The HSE will give you guidance for this.


You can contact us for advice about asbestos and the best way to get rid of it. We do not remove asbestos but you can take it to Tovil Recycling Centre.

There is further information about asbestos on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website.

Event planning

Scoring events

Kent Police, Kent Fire and Rescue and ourselves have created an events risk matrix. This is so the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) co-ordinators can work out which risk category an event falls under. It shows us who'll be affected by the event and how much of a risk it is to their health and safety. We check how much control the event holders have, how available emergency services are and consider the risk of harm. Section two of the event notification form will help us with scoring your event. Small and medium sized events scored as medium or high risk will be reviewed by SAG, in the same way as large events.

Large events (more than 1,000 people)

The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) deals with the issues surrounding the planning and organising of major public events held in the borough. The group consists of council representatives and partners such as the police. This group would normally deal with events for 1,000 people or more. To tell us of a large event you are holding you will need to fill out an Event Notification Form.

If you have any queries about the planning of your large event, you can email

Event guidance

There are guidance documents and forms prepared by the Safety Advisory Group to help event organisers with the planning, organisation and delivery of safe events.