Order new or replacement bins
For most homes, bins have been provided by us for the collection of recycling and rubbish. Residents are responsible for looking after these bins and replacing them if they are lost or stolen. We will provide you with a new bin when it reaches the end of its usable life.
You are required to pay for replacement bins if your bin is lost, stolen or if you move into a property and there are no bins. This is to encourage residents to take responsibility for the bins and to bring them back onto their property after collection.
The charge is a contribution towards the overall cost of the bin, administration, delivery and where necessary the removal of the damaged bin.
You can also purchase additional recycling bins if required and these will all be emptied as long as they do not contain business waste or contaminated recycling. However we will only empty one black rubbish bin from each property and do not accept waste left beside it.
Missing or stolen bins
If your bin has gone missing or has been stolen you can request us to deliver a new one. Please check it is not at a neighbour’s property or further down the road. If you still cannot find it then you'll need to pay for a replacement bin.
To stop your bin being stolen we recommend putting your house number on it with stickers or pen.
Damaged bins
You need to make sure you look after your bin and take it in as soon as possible after collection. The most common type of damage, due to wear and tear from repeated used, is a damaged front lip which prevents it being lifted safely by the vehicle.
Bins can get damaged more easily if they are too full or if their lids are left open. Bins are more likely to break when they are being lifted, this does not mean the crew have handled the bin incorrectly. Unfortunately we cannot repair damaged bins or lids as there are many different styles and designs.
If the bin is reported by the collection crew as no longer usable and poses a risk to the collection crew when emptying it, we will arrange a replacement to be delivered to you. We will not replace bins that are dirty, have superficial damage or the lid is damaged as these bins are still safe to use. If you want to replace your broken bin, you can do so free of charge.
When we will replace for free
If the bin:
- is no longer serviceable
- has gone into the back of the collection vehicle and our contractors have reported it
- is a black and orange food bin
- is a garden bin
- is a recycling box
If you feel the crew have broken the bin or they were at fault and they have not reported it to us, you need to provide us with information and evidence about how this happened. If you do not have evidence we'll require you to purchase a replacement bin.
We do not accept photos of a broken bin as evidence that the crew were at fault. A photo of a broken bin will be refused. You can provide:
- video footage
- stills from video footage
- witness reports
When a replacement bin is delivered we will remove the damaged bin. Please leave it at the front of your property so we can pick it up.
- black bin (general rubbish, one per household) - £25
- green bin (recycling) - £25
- black and orange (food bin) - £8 for a new property, no charge for a replacement
If you cannot pay for the new bin now, you'll need to take your waste to the local tip until you can replace it.
If you receive Council Tax Support, there is a discount of £10 per bin (with a maximum of two discounts within a rolling 12-month period). When applying you will need to provide your National Insurance number.
Food waste package
For a limited time, you can order a food waste package. You will be asked when ordering if you would like to purchase a package.
For £10 we can provide you with a:
- large food bin
- small kitchen caddy for inside your home
- one roll of five-litre food sacks
This offer is limited to one per household.
Every month a resident can win a £50 shopping voucher. When you buy a package you will be asked when ordering if you would like to enter the competition.
Please use your food bin and present it for collection every week. We are checking the usage of bins purchased in the previous month.
If you are the lucky winner we will contact you directly. Terms and conditions apply.
If your bin is reported broken by the collection crew, we will arrange a replacement automatically and you will not need to order one. You can check this on the order form, which will advise you if your bin has been reported as broken.
You will need to order a replacement bin if your bin is missing or stolen.
What happens next
We aim to deliver most bins within 15 working days. Whilst you wait for delivery of your new bin, you can leave your waste out in black bin bags. If these are not taken please contact us.
Removing a bin
If you need to remove a bin which is on your property, for example if there is a garden bin which does not have a subscription you can request for us to remove it.
Bigger bins
You can request us to look at the size of your bin for the following reasons:
- medical condition
- six or more people in a household
- more than one child in nappies
Your request will be assessed by our waste team who will get back to you in seven working days.
Moving house
If you move house, the bins will need to remain at the property you're moving from. However, if you've already purchased an additional recycling bin you should take the extra bin with you.
Garden waste bins are dealt with differently, as this is a fee based service and you should take these with you.
A property with no bins
You'll need to pay for bins if there are no bins or missing bins at your new address. If you've moved into a new build or are renting a property, the developer or landlord should have provided the bins for you.