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Agenda item

Cuckoo Wood Avenue


The Board considered the report of the Head of Transportation setting out proposed changes to waiting restrictions in Cuckoo Wood Avenue, Sandling, Maidstone.  It was noted that:


·  The Traffic Regulation Order implementing the existing double yellow lines in Cuckoo Wood Avenue came into effect in September 2012, no objections having been received in response to the formal consultation exercise.  The lines extend the entire length of Cuckoo Wood Avenue on both sides of the road and also extend into Sandling Lane by 12.5m.  Subsequently, residents of Boarley Court complained that they were experiencing difficulties when trying to park as there was insufficient parking provision to meet their needs within the grounds of Boarley Court itself.


·  Following discussions with representatives of the residents of Boarley Court, a proposal to remove 67m of double yellow lines on the south eastern side of Cuckoo Wood Avenue was advertised in September 2013.  There had been no reported crashes within Cuckoo Wood Avenue in the past ten years, and there had been one reported crash on Sandling Lane at the junction with Cuckoo Wood Avenue; this involved a vehicle waiting to turn right into Cuckoo Wood Avenue which was struck from the rear.


·  It was the recommendation of the Officers that having regard to the previous crash history, the proposed changes to the existing waiting restrictions represented a reasonable balance between preventing dangerous obstruction and allowing necessary residential parking.


·  Seven objections had been received to the proposed changes to the existing waiting restrictions and thirteen comments had been received in support.


Eva Howson, Duncan Bain and David Webb addressed the Board objecting to the proposed changes to the waiting restrictions in Cuckoo Wood Avenue.  In making their representations the speakers expressed concern that the removal of some of the yellow lines would be detrimental to safety, cause an obstruction at the entrance to Sandbourne Drive, restrict access for emergency vehicles, lead to an increase in litter and result in an increase in commuter parking and the parking of large commercial vehicles.


Brian Raybould and John Avis addressed the Board in support of measures to alleviate the difficulties being experienced by the residents of Boarley Court in trying to park.  It was suggested that one option would be to issue parking permits to residents of Boarley Court to enable them to park in bays provided for them in Cuckoo Wood Avenue.


The Board agreed that, on the understanding that there may be a small administration charge for those wishing to participate, the introduction of parking permits might provide a solution to the difficulties being experienced by the residents of Boarley Court, and


RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development:  That consideration be given to the introduction of a residents’ only parking permit, administered by Maidstone Borough Council or Kent County Council, to allow residents of Boarley Court to park within bays provided for them in Cuckoo Wood Avenue on the understanding that there may be a small administration charge for those wishing to participate.


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