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Agenda item
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) and Regulation 123 List Annual Review
- Meeting of Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee, Tuesday 9th July, 2019 6.30 pm (Item 41.)
- View the background to item 41.
The Principle Planning Officer informed the Committee that the Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) showed a snapshot of the infrastructure requirements needed to deliver the adopted Local Plan. The report proposed two options for revisions to the Regulation 123 List, to ensure clarity. Option A excluded Lenham Primary School from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding, while Option B outlined that the Lenham Primary School was to be funded from CIL monies and was therefore not to be funded by S106 monies.
The Chairman read a statement on behalf of Councillor J Sams.
Mrs Prendergast spoke on this item.
In response to questions by the Committee, Officers responded that:
· CIL funding was non-negotiable, while S106 funding was negotiable.
· The document included in the report at Appendix 2 was the draft IDP, and any comments by Councillors were to be submitted via email, ahead of the IDP being approved later in the year.
RESOLVED: That the proposed revision to the Regulation 123 List to include 1FE expansion of Lenham Primary School within the exclusions list (Option A, as per Appendix 3) be agreed for a statutory six week public consultation exercise.
Voting: Unanimous
Supporting documents:
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) and Regulation 123 List Annual Review, item 41. PDF 135 KB View as HTML (41./1) 128 KB
- Appendix 1: List of infrastructure providers contacted, item 41. PDF 38 KB View as HTML (41./2) 46 KB
- Appendix 2: Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) 2019, item 41. PDF 514 KB View as HTML (41./3) 1 MB
- Appendix 3: Draft Regulation 123 List (tracked changes) - OPTION A, item 41. PDF 141 KB
- Appendix 4: Draft Regulation 123 List (tracked changes) - OPTION B, item 41. PDF 140 KB
- Appendix 5: Completed infrastructure schemes from May 2016 IDP, item 41. PDF 42 KB View as HTML (41./6) 56 KB
- Urgent Update - Item 17 - Appendix 3, item 41. PDF 141 KB
- Urgent Update - Item 17 - Appendix 4, item 41. PDF 140 KB