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Agenda item

Interview with Councillor Richard Ash, Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture, concerning his plans and priorities for his portfolio


The Chairman welcomed Councillor Richard Ash, Cabinet member for Leisure and Culture, to the meeting.


Councillor Spearink, of Staplehurst Parish Council, asked Councillor Ash about his plans to reduce the size of the museum’s collection. Councillor Ash said he would provide a written reply. It was explained to the Committee that the intention was to reduce the size of the collection by loaning or selling duplicate exhibits. He confirmed the proceeds of any sale would be retained by the Council.



Members were informed that the council paid £11,000 a year towards the cost of managing the allotments and plot rental was £25 per year. Members felt the rental fee was low and suggested it should be increased. Councillor Ash said the rental fees had to be fair and agreed that the charges could be reviewed. He said he was touring the allotments on 9 September and invited Members to accompany him.


Members heard some plots were being subdivided and questioned whether this meant more allotments were needed. Councillor Ash thought this was likely, but added there were many cases where people were unable to tend a full sized plot and subdivision meant the plot was fully used.


It was highlighted that a draft allotment strategy had been produced some time ago, but this had not been progressed and agreed to circulate this to the Committee.


Cemetery and crematorium


Councillor Ash informed the Committee that while the chapel and a building at the entrance to the cemetery needed substantial maintenance, funds were not available to carry out the work required.  In the current financial climate he could not predict when that work might be possible. 


Members heard that the ongoing work on headstone safety was almost complete. There had been some adverse comments as work had progressed, but most people appeared satisfied with the results. A Member stated that some gravestones appeared to be more secure than others. Councillor Ash said that all gravestones had been checked and were safe, although some did lean a little. Members asked Councillor Ash to provide the specifications for installation of gravestones.


It was highlighted by a Member that when he had contacted bereavement services, staff had been unable to tell him the capacity of the chapel or what the charges were. He also felt the ‘on hold’ music played  was inappropriate. He believed steps had been taken to remedy these points but asked Councillor Ash to check this had been done.


Councillor Ash highlighted that the recent £1.29 million investment in the crematorium had created excellent facilities for staff and for visitors, and the site could now cremate larger people. Members asked how the current charges compared with other crematoria, and how the Council could increase the income generated by these improved facilities. Councillor Ash said he intended to ensure funeral directors were aware of the improvements. He added that David Edwards, Director of Change and Planning and the Environment and Councillor Denise Joy had recently visited Medway crematorium and had ideas on how additional income could be generated. Members asked for a copy of their report.


Parks and Open Spaces


Councillor Ash said that £50,000 had previously been secured to provide a play area near the walled garden in Mote Park, but he believed this funding had been withdrawn. He said children from Oakwood Park, St Simons Stock and The Astor of Hever schools had submitted a plan to the Red Bull company to build a BMX dirt track in Mote Park as part of a competition. This had been successful and the facility should be built later this year at no capital cost to the council, although there would be small ongoing maintenance costs.


In response to questions, Councillor Ash commented that:


·  The footfall in parks and open spaces was measured electronically;

·  Footfall for Mote Park in the first quarter last year had increased significantly but had dropped this year, although generally numbers were increasing each year;

·  There were litter problems in Brenchley Gardens, created by people not using the bins provided;

·  In September he should know if the Heritage Lottery Fund would provide funding for further improvements in Mote Park;

·  In future, spending would be prioritised so that some parks such as Mote Park, Whatman Park and Clare Park could be maintained to a high standard, while others would be maintained to a good standard;

·  The Council would have to consider reducing the number of smaller play areas to enable the remaining ones to be maintained to a high standard. This would be subject to discussion and would be part of a long term strategy over a period of five years or more.


Resolved:  That:


a)  Members who want to accompany Councillor Ash on his tour of allotments on 9 September were to inform Les Smith, Overview and Scrutiny Officer;

b)  Councillor Ash to provide a written reply to Councillor Spearink, of Staplehurst Parish Council, concerning his plans for disposal of duplicate museum exhibits;

c)  The current charges for allotments be reviewed to ensure they are fair and provide value for money for the Council;

d)  How to raise awareness of the improved facilities at the crematorium be considered;

e)  An update on the application to the Heritage lottery for funding for Mote Park be provided; and

f)  The following information was requested:

i)  A copy of the draft allotment strategy be provided;

ii)  The specification for erection of headstones in the cemetery be provided;

iii)  Confirmation that staff have details of the facilities at the cemetery and crematorium be provided; and

iv)  A copy of David Edwards’ and Councillor Joy’s report of their visit to Medway crematorium be provided.


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