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Issue - decisions

Maidstone Leisure Centre

10/02/2023 - Maidstone Leisure Centre

1.  That the option entitled ‘minor practical improvements’ be pursued;


2.  That detailed plans for the minor practical improvements be developed and included in the tender documentation;


3.  That the capital sum of £2 million to deliver these works be identified in the Medium-Term Financial Strategy and in the 2023/24 capital programme;


4.  That the Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Lead Member for Leisure and Arts, to lead a procurement process and invite tenders for the delivery of the minor practical improvements;


5.  That after the completion of the tender process, delegated authority be given to the Head of Mid Kent Legal Services to enter into such contracts as required to complete the contract award and commence the minor practical improvements;


6.  That a contract extension with Maidstone Leisure Trust and Serco Leisure Ltd for the continued operation of the centre until 2031 be pursued by the Council; and


7.  That feasibility work on the long-term future of the centre and all alternative options and provision be continued.