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Budget Strategy 2011/12 Onwards

11/02/2011 - Budget Strategy 2011/12 Onwards

1.  That appropriate recommendations regarding Council Tax and spending levels for 2011/12 be recommended to Council on 2 March 2011 based upon Decisions 2 - 14 below.

2.  That the revised revenue estimate for 2010/11, as set out in Appendices A and B of the report of Head of Finance and Customer Services, be agreed.

3.  That there are no further budget issues identified in the third quarter budget monitoring report be agreed.

4.  That the revenue estimate for 2011/12, as set out in Appendices A and B incorporating the growth and savings items set out in Appendices C and D of the report of Head of Finance and Customer Services, be agreed

5.  That to continue to set an appropriate level of working balances for Cabinet’s day to day activities at a level equivalent to the level set in 2010/11 of £2.3m be agreed.


6.  That the creation of a budget for the direct financing of capital expenditure from revenue, as an ongoing resource, be agreed.


7.  That the use of the additional revenue support grant for the direct financing of capital expenditure from revenue, as a one off resource, be agreed.


8.  That the use of the remaining VAT refund for financing of capital expenditure, as a one off resource, be agreed.


9.  That the capital programme as option (b) given at Appendix J of the report of Head of Finance and Customer Services, noting that a detailed report on the High Street Regeneration project will be brought to the next meeting of the Cabinet, be agreed.

10.  That the funding of the capital programme, as set out in Appendix I of the report of Head of Finance and Customer Services, noting that funding is dependent upon additional capital receipts, capital grants and other contributions in future years, be agreed.


11.  That a report be brought to the September 2011 meeting on prioritised uses of future funding available for the capital programme.

12.  That the Medium Term Financial Strategy, as set out in Appendix K of the report of Head of Finance and Customer Services and the resultant Financial Projection set out in Appendix F of the report of Head of Finance and Customer Services, be endorsed.


13.  That Council Tax be frozen for the year 2011/12.


14.  That the minimum level of general fund balances be set at £2m for 2011/12.


15.  That the responses (attached as Appendix A) be sent to the Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee with regard to their reference on the Capital Budget.