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Core Strategy Housing Targets and Distribution of Development

17/09/2010 - Core Strategy Housing Targets and Distribution of Development

1.  That the three options 1-3, as outlined in sections 1.3 E and F of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, be agreed as the basis for the further more detailed testing outlined in the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, without any preconceptions, in order to identify the most suitable housing target for the borough.


2.  That all of the options plan for the balance of housing necessary after the existing development pipeline of 5,800 dwellings is completed, to achieve total housing target figures of:-


Option 1 – 8,200 dwellings;

Option 2 – 10,080 dwellings; and

Option 3 – 11,000 dwellings


The spatial distribution that needs to be objectively considered and tested for each option should be a dispersal model and a strategic development area.


3.  That the methodology and approach to testing each of the housing options should be that outlined in Diagram A and Section 1.3 of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment be endorsed with the addition of the specific amendments to Appendix A of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment as highlighted by the Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee, namely


·  The diagram of methodology and approach be reformatted to depict priorities, such as by using a pyramid shape;

·  The environmental capacity and land availability be listed separately in the diagram to ensure that environmental capacity was not overlooked;

·  The Local Development Document Advisory Group’s spatial planning exercise be included in the diagram;

·  A broader geographical context be considered to include Maidstone’s relationship with travel to work areas;

·  Less emphasis be placed on historical evidence, more emphasis given to infrastructure and place shaping, including an emphasis on regeneration; and

·  Higher and lower density dispersal patterns be applied to all three options.


4.  That further work is undertaken on the weighting of the various elements; particular attention being paid to the economic and environmental factors, but considered within the context of the need for, and likelihood of, supporting housing and transportation infrastructure.


5.  That any option considered should have an emphasis on incentivising regeneration and renewal.


6.  That a further report be presented to the Cabinet on 10 November 2010.