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Issue - decisions

Core Strategy 2006 - 2026

11/02/2011 - Core Strategy 2006 - 2026

1.  That a local housing target of 10,080 dwellings and a development distribution for new housing as set out in Appendix C of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment be agreed for the period 2006 to 2026 as the basis for the initial Core Strategy consultation document; and

2.  That a decision on the distribution of employment land be deferred to enable officers to:


a)  undertake further work on updating employment data to a base date of 2010;


b)  investigate opportunities for alternative potential employment sites that can support a dispersed pattern of development better suited to the housing locations to replace a critical mass of employment land of 11 hectares at J8 of the M20 motorway


and report back to Cabinet in April when the draft Core Strategy will be considered for publication consultation.


3.  That the revised Core Strategy programme, as set out below, be agreed:-



Core Strategy Stage


Joint Local Development Document Advisory Group and Leisure and Prosperity Overview and Scrutiny Committee

21st February 2011

Cabinet approval of draft Core Strategy

13th April 2011

Public consultation ( 6 weeks)

28th April to 17th June 2011

Cabinet approval of Publication version

10th August 2011

Publication consultation (6 weeks)

26th August to 10th October

Council approval of Submission version

14th December 2011


December 2011


April 2012

Receipt of Inspector’s Report

July 2012

Council adoption of Core Strategy

September 2012