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Issue - decisions

Adoption of Dog Control Orders in Maidstone

25/05/2012 - Adoption of Dog Control Orders in Maidstone

1.  That permission be granted to implement the steps described in Appendix 1 to the report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services to introduce dog control orders in relation to:


a)  Failing to remove dog faeces

b)  Permitting a dog to enter land from which dogs are excluded


2.  That authorisation be given to start the consultation process required by the Dog Control Orders (Procedures) Regulations 2006 and for the publication of notices for the proposed dog control orders identifying the land and summarising the proposed orders.


3.  That a charge of £75 is set for fixed penalty notices served under the new orders.


4.  To note that following the public consultation, any representations made will be considered by the Cabinet Member.