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Issue - decisions

Neighbourhood Planning in Maidstone Borough

15/06/2012 - Neighbourhood Planning in Maidstone Borough

1.  That the  decision making arrangements, including delegations to officers, as set out below be agreed:-



Decision method

Decision taker


Designation of the neighbourhood area (Regulations 6/7)

Internal consultation with ward members/ adjoining ward members.

Officer evaluation of the proposed neighbourhood area using the criteria set out elsewhere in this report and taking account of the representations received.

If officer view is to approve, and there is no contrary Member view, decision delegated to officers.

If officer and/or Member view is to refuse, refer decision to Cabinet Member for Planning and Transport*.

Designation of neighbourhood forum (if no Parish Council) (Regs 8/9/10)

Internal consultation with ward members/ adjoining ward members

Officer evaluation of the proposed neighbourhood forum using the criteria set out elsewhere in this report and taking account of the representations received.

If officer view is to approve, and there is no contrary Member view, decision delegated to officers.

If officer and/or Member view is to refuse, refer decision to Cabinet Member*.


MBC consulted on draft neighbourhood plan/neighbourhood development order/community right to build order (Reg 14/21)

Internal consultation with ward members/ adjoining ward members/Cabinet Member


[NB parish/forum is responsible for consulting neighbouring authorities, including adjoining parishes and KCC, on its plan/order]

Cabinet Member Report* to consider and agree MBC comments on draft plan/order

Decision to approve/reject/modify the plan/order post Examiners Report (Reg 18/25)

Cabinet Report


Decision to adopt plan/order post Referendum (Reg 19/20/26/27)

Cabinet Report

Cabinet then Full Council


2.  That the decision making criteria for the designation of a neighbourhood area as set out below be agreed:-


a)   Does the proposed plan area follow existing, established administrative or planning boundaries?

b)  Does it exclude areas which in planning terms it would be more appropriate to include (for example where planning designation or development location straddles a parish boundary)

c)  Does it overlap with another approved neighbourhood area (this is not permitted)


3.  That the additional criterion for the designation of a neighbourhood forum, as set out below, be agreed:-  


a)  that the forum has secured, or taken reasonable steps to secure, that its membership is broadly representative of the local neighbourhood.


4.  That the arrangements to support neighbourhood planning, as set out in paragraphs 1.3.38  to 1.3.40 of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment, be agreed.


5.  That £40k be allocated from the 2011/12 New Homes Bonus allocation for direct funding support for groups undertaking neighbourhood planning and that the Head of Planning, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development, draw up the criteria for the allocation of the £40k by the end of June 2012.


6.  The £60k be allocated from the Housing & Planning Delivery Grant to cover the Council’s costs arising from the obligations in the neighbourhood planning Regulations and its duty to support neighbourhood planning.