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Issue - decisions

New Anti-social Behaviour Powers

14/10/2015 - Report of Director of Environment and Shared Services - New Anti-social Behaviour Powers

1.  That the new Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) powers, available to the Council under new legislation as described in the Members Guide, the amendments made to the Council’s Scheme of Delegation, the officer authorisations, the Enforcement Policy for Environmental Enforcement Policy and relevant procedures to allow implementation including a new Community Trigger be noted.


2.  That the fixed penalty notice (FPN) amount served where the authorised person believes an offence has been committed under sections 48 of The Act (Community Protection Notice) of £100 be approved.


3.  That any FPN that is served where the authorised person believes an offence has been committed under sections 63 or 67 of The Act (Consumption of Alcohol Order or Public Space Protection Order) be £100 unless an alternative amount is stated in any such order creating an offence be approved.