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Councillor Nominations to Outside Bodies

13/08/2015 - Councillor Nominations to Outside Bodies

The Committee considered the nominations put forward for membership of Outside Bodies.


The Committee noted the revised period of appointment of members to the Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association from one year to three years as agreed at their Annual General Meeting on 7 July 2015.


The Committee considered the nominations to new Outside Bodies put forward by the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee arising from the recommendations of the review of Transport in Maidstone alternatives to using the car.


The automatic memberships to Outside Bodies were noted with the correction to number 4, Kent and Medway Crime Panel being Councillor Mrs Wilson and not Councillor Mrs Blackmore.


The Committee discussed Outside Bodies where no nominations were received for vacancies and considered a review of membership of these Outside Bodies.


The Committee noted Outside Bodies with no nominations were:


·  Action with Rural Communities in Kent

·  Maidstone Mediation

·  Maidstone Mind

·  Relate West and Mid Kent

·  South East Employers

·  Relief in Need


The Committee considered offering the vacancies to either officers or parish councillors.  It was decided that, for officers, this may create a conflict of interest, and in all cases the Council would not be able to put forward suitable councillors at a future date should a vacancy be filled in this way.


The Committee agreed a review of the Outside Bodies with unfilled vacancies was required to establish what the expectations of each Outside body was of members and what value Councillors could bring.


Councillor Mrs Hinder offered to fill the Relief in Need vacancy.






1.  A review of Outside Bodies be carried out by Officers to include a review of:

·  The role of each Outside Body with unfilled vacancies;

·  The requirements and expectations of its members for each Outside Body with unfilled vacancies, and;

·  How to promote these Outside Bodies to encourage nominations.


The review to include a list of all Outside Bodies and Councillor members.




For: 8


2.  The Committee agree the nominations put forward to Outside Bodies as detailed in the report dated 13 August 2015 (table on page 3) with the following changes:


a)  Nominations for Maidstone Town Centre Management Liaison Group membership be agreed as follows:


·  Councillor Mrs Joy – Liberal Democrat and as member for High Street Ward;

·  Councillor Parvin – Conservative, and;

·  Councillor Newton – Independent.




For:  7  Against:  0  Abstain:  1


b)  Maidstone YMCA – the nomination from Councillor Derek Mortimer to renew his membership from 10 September 2015, included in the Urgent Update, be agreed.


3.  It be noted that the period of appointment for membership of Maidstone Beauvais Twinning Association (MBTA) was changed at the MBTA Annual General Meeting on 7 July 2015 from one year to three years.


4.  The nominations to Outside Bodies put forward by the Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee arising from the recommendations of the review of Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using the car, as detailed in the report of 13 August 2015 (page 4) be agreed.


5.  The automatic membership to Outside Bodies as detailed in the report of 13 August 2015 (page 5), with the amendment to the Kent and Medway Crime Panel being Councillor Mrs Wilson and not Councillor Mrs Blackmore, be noted.


6.  Councillor Mrs Hinder be nominated for the vacancy for Relief in Need.