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Issue - decisions

Areas of Local Landscape Value

25/09/2015 - Urgent Decision Referral from Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee 8/9/15: Landscapes of Local Value

That the desired outcome as set out in the Decision Referral be agreed, as follows:-

Paragraph 5.78 will read: The Low Weald covers a significant proportion of the countryside, in the rural southern half of the Borough.  The Low Weald is recognised as having distinctive landscape features: the field patterns, many of which are medieval in character, hedgerows, stands of trees, ponds and streams and buildings of character should be protected, maintained and enhanced where appropriate.

Criterion 6 sentence will read: The Greensand Ridge, Medway Valley, Len Valley, Loose Valley and Low Weald, as defined on the policies map, will be protected, maintained and enhanced where appropriate as landscape of local value.

It was noted that the area to be included should reflect as defined currently in the Maidstone Borough Wide 2000 Local Plan proposals map.