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Issue details

Strategic Plan 2009-12, 2010 update

To consider the proposed final draft of the authority’s 2010-11 update of the Strategic Plan 2009-12 prior to consideration by Council on 3 March 2010.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Policies, Plans, Strategies;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 10 Feb 2010 by Cabinet.

Lead member: All

Lead director: David Edwards

Contact: Anna Collier, Head of Insight, Communitites & Governance Policies, Communities and Engagement Email:, Georgia Hawkes, Director of Mid Kent Services Email:

Consultation process

Consultation will have been undertaken on the draft version and fed into the final copy

Representations should be made by: 2 February 2010

Other Information: None

Head Service: Angela Woodhouse

Public Or Private and Reason if Private: Georgia Hawkes


Agenda items


  • Strategic Plan 2007-10  
  • Strategic Plan 2008-11  
  • Strategic Plan 2009-12  
  • Best Value Performance Plan 2009-12  
  • Strategic Planning Process – Report to Cabinet August 2009  
  • Draft Strategic Plan 2009-12 2010 update