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Decision details

Report of the Head of Planning and Development - North Loose Neighbourhood Development Plan

Decision Maker: Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


A report outlining the proposed consultation response to North Loose on their Neighbourhood Develeopment Plan


1.  That the Committee approves the report as the basis for formal representations on the Regulation 16 North Loose Neighbourhood Development Plan (August 2015);


2.  That the Committee agrees the Council’s consultation responses to the Regulation 16 North Loose Neighbourhood Development Plan (August 2015) summarised below.


The North Loose Neighbourhood Development Plan (August 2015):


a)  Is in general conformity with the strategic policies of the adopted Maidstone Borough-Wide Local Plan 2000;


b)  Has been assessed, at this stage, to not require a Strategic Environmental Assessment or Habitats Regulations Assessment;


c)  Is not in line with national policy in respect that it fails to adequately indicate how it has contributed, and will contribute, to the emerging Maidstone Borough Local Plan’s Objectively Assessed Housing Need since the beginning of the emerging Local Plan’s period.  It is suggested that the forum specifies the site boundaries and quantum of development anticipated for each site;


d)  Is not in line with national and local policy in relation to the Plan’s references to low housing density standards across the Neighbourhood Plan area;


e)  Is not in conformity with the emerging Maidstone Borough Local Plan Regulation 18 Consultation Draft 2014 (MBLP 2014) in relation to the non-allocation of the New Line Learning draft housing allocation.  Related to this, clarification is needed on the identification of open spaces as they relate to this site and countryside links;


f)  Should seek to ensure the Plan is ‘future proofed’ in relation to references to the Code of Sustainable Homes; and,


g)  Should include adequate justification and detailed costing where policies refer to the seeking of development contributions.


Wards Affected: Boughton Monchelsea and Chart Sutton Ward; Loose Ward; Park Wood Ward; Shepway North Ward; Shepway South Ward; South Ward;

Contact: Cheryl Parks Email: Email:

Report author: Cheryl Parks

Publication date: 06/10/2015

Date of decision: 06/10/2015

Decided: 06/10/2015 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee

Effective from: 16/10/2015

Accompanying Documents: