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3rd Quarter Budget Monitoring 2018/19

Meeting: 29/01/2019 - Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee (Item 130)

130 3rd Quarter Budget Monitoring 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 59 KB

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Mr Mark Green, Director of Finance and Business Improvement presented a report which set out the financial position for the Committee at the end of Quarter 3 2018/19 against the revenue and capital budgets.


The Committee noted that:-


·  Although there had been an underspend against the revenue budget of £151,000, it was expected to reduce to an underspend of £19,000 by the end of the financial year.

·  There had been income shortfalls on the Adventure Zone and Lockmeadow Market but this had been offset by increased income from the Crematorium and savings arising from staff vacancies.

·  The additional income from the Leisure Centre was being set aside for the review of leisure provision.

·  The Crematorium car park project had overspent and a final analysis of that budget was due to be reported to the Committee’s March meeting.


In response to questions from Members, Mr Green advised that he would be reporting back in June on the final outturn and it would be at that time the Committee would have an opportunity to put forward proposals to utilise any underspend.



1.  The revenue position at the end of the third quarter and the actions being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant variances had been identified, be noted.

2.  The capital position at the end of the third quarter be noted.