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Strategic Plan 2019-45 Action Plan

Meeting: 13/02/2019 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 178)

178 Strategic Plan 2019-45 Action Plan pdf icon PDF 117 KB

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Mrs Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy, Communications and Governance, updated the Committee on the progress of the Strategic Plan 2019-45 Action Plan. The Committee noted that each of the Service Committees had been given an opportunity to make comments on the Action Plan. This was the Committee’s opportunity to make final amendments to the Action Plan before consideration and adoption by Council in February.


The Committee considered the Action Plan and requested the following changes:


·  Amending ‘don’t’ to ‘do not’ in the action ‘Taking action against those who don’t respect our public spaces, streets, green spaces and parks’

·  Amending the word ‘invest’ to ‘considers investing’ in the action ‘The Council leads on master planning and invests in new places which are well designed’

·  Removal of the word ‘domestic’ in the action ‘In 2018 the average home broadband speed was around 46.2 Mbps, up from 36.2 Mbps in 2017. We do recognise that in the rural areas there are substantial problems with domestic broadband’

·  Removal of the word ‘delivering’ and replacing with ‘enabling’ in the action ‘Delivering events which assist the people in increasing their pride in communities and our environment’

·  Removal of the phrase ‘are fit for the future’ and replacing it with ‘meet future needs’ in the action ‘Reviewing and delivering leisure and cultural services that are fit for the future’


The Committee requested that the text below the first set of bullet points on page 9, which outlined ‘How we do things’, be amended to make clear that outcome focussed commissioning and service delivery did not imply that we would not consider in house service delivery.


It was noted that work was required on the Leader’s foreword to ensure it made grammatical sense.




1.  With the amendments outlined above, Council is recommended to adopt the Strategic Plan 2019-45 Action Plan.

2.  Delegated authority is granted to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee, to make amendments to the Leader’s foreword before submission to Council.


Voting: Unanimous