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Update on the Maidstone Integrated Transport Package

Meeting: 12/03/2019 - Strategic Planning, Sustainability and Transportation Committee (Item 183)

183 Update on the Maidstone Integrated Transport Package pdf icon PDF 67 KB

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Ms Abi Lewis, Economic Development Officer, confirmed that three business cases had been submitted by Kent County Council (KCC) to the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) on 1 February 2019.  These business cases, regarding the A229 Loose Corridor, A20 Willington Street Junction and A20 Hall Road had received positive feedback from SELEP’s technical evaluators. A decision regarding the funding was on track to made by SELEP in April 2019.  It was important to recognise, however, that there were risks associated with the delivery of the package of works due to deadlines associated with the work.


The Committee commented that:


·  It was disappointing that the A20 Hall Road scheme remained an option in the package of works, as it did not feature in the Maidstone Integrated Transport Package (MITP) and would result in funding being allocated to another authority.


·  Considering that the A20 Hall Road scheme was not part of the MITP, it was concerning that resourcing had been allocated to the creation of a business case for this scheme.  It would have been preferable for an alternative scheme within Maidstone to have been identified.


·  Planning permission decisions had been made on the basis that the schemes would be delivered, so it was vital that these were completed.


In response to questions from the Committee, Officers stated that:


·  The costs associated with the schemes were higher than original estimates proposed by developers at the planning application stage, therefore combined funding of developer contributions and Local Growth Fund was required to deliver the work.


·  Developer contributions (Section 106 money) allocated to the schemes would be returned to the appropriate developers if it was not spent within the agreed timescales.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.