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Cemetery Improvements Update

Meeting: 02/04/2019 - Heritage, Culture and Leisure Committee (Item 160)

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Mr William Cornall, the Director of Regeneration and Place, presented the Cemetery Improvements Update to the Committee.


Mr Cornall highlighted to the Committee that:


·  Due to the overspend on the capital fund for the car parking works, the project would need to be re-profiled.

·  The car park expansion would be delayed to Phase 2.

·  As the staff welfare facilities were unlikely to be in place until Autumn 2019, work had been undertaken to improve the existing facilities, which included a deep clean and new furniture.


In response to a question from the Committee, Mr Cornall responded that the Cemetery Lodge would be subject to an enforcement issue for non-upkeep.

The Committee thanked Officers for all their hard work on this project and looked forward to the Chapel being renovated.




1.  That the continued delivery of the Cemetery improvements through a two phased approach be agreed.

2.  That the car park expansion be delayed until Phase 2 of the improvements.

3.  That £70,000 surplus income generated by Bereavement Services and Grounds Maintenance in 2018/19 be used to support the remaining capital budget for the project.

Voting:  Unanimous