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KPI Update Quarter 3 2018/19
Meeting: 27/03/2019 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 194)
194 KPI Update Quarter 3 2018/19 PDF 72 KB
Additional documents:
- Appendix : Key Performance Indicator Update Quarter 3 18/19, item 194 PDF 119 KB View as HTML (194/2) 76 KB
Mr Munden, Information and Corporate Policy Officer introduced the report by outlining the structure of the reporting and summarising KPI performance. 9/13 KPIs achieved target, two were within 10%, with the final two missing by more than 10%. Seven had improved with performance declining for six. The officer highlighted good news stories, including highways litter, and brought to the committee’s attention that whilst affordable housing delivery had dropped in the quarter this was expected with more completions expected before the end of the year.
In response to questions from the Committee it was clarified that for indicators below more target by more than 10% this quarter (affordable housing delivery, and households housed through the housing register), the year to date position was still on track due to good Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 performance. For indicators where performance was expected to fluctuate in identified quarters it was possible to look at seasonal targeting that would take this into account.
The Committee sought clarification on how 106% of reported clearances could be completed, and after receiving the explanation, that it included clearances that had not been reported too, felt it might be beneficial to have the indicator split between those reported and those the Council found itself.
Mr Cornall, Director of Regeneration and Place, responded to the questions on the recycling rates. The Committee were informed that recycling had been discussed at Communities, Housing and Environment Committee, and though the Council was doing well, with the 2nd highest recycling rate in Kent, performance had plateaued and it might be necessary to review the target next year.
RESOLVED: That the summary of performance for Quarter 3 of 2018/19 for Key performance Indicators (KPIs) be noted.
Voting: Unanimous
Note: Cllr Mrs Blackmore arrived during consideration of the item.