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Amendments to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy

Meeting: 11/07/2019 - Licensing Committee (Item 19)

19 Amendments to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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The Committee considered the report of the Senior Licensing Manager which set out the consultation responses to the amended draft Taxi Licensing Policy for approval to the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee.


It was noted that at the meeting of the Committee on 28th March 2019 Members requested some minor amendments to be made to the policy prior to consultation and agreed on a 6 week consultation to take place.  The consultation run from 11th April to 16th May 2019.


The findings of the survey resulted in almost two thirds of residents being in favour of the proposed changes to the licensing policy.  The areas of greater concern appeared to be around the changes proposed to testing of knowledge and driver standards.


RESOLVED:  That the Licensing Committee recommend to the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee that the amended Taxi and Private Hire Licensing Policy be adopted.


Voting:  For:  unanimous