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P&R Q3 Budget & Performance Monitoring 19-20

Meeting: 12/02/2020 - Policy and Resources Committee (Item 150)

150 P&R Q3 Budget & Performance Monitoring 19-20 pdf icon PDF 82 KB

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The Director of Finance and Business Improvement presented the report on Quarter 3 Budget and Performance Monitoring for 2019-2020 to the Committee.  The overall budget position currently projected a small surplus, with shortfalls in planning income offset by surpluses in Policy and Resources and Communities Housing and Environment. The Committee were assured that the shortfall in planning income was being addressed for the 2020/21 budget. In addition to budget and performance monitoring information the report also set out a number of business rates debts that the committee were asked to write off.


The Data Intelligence Officer set out the key performance indicator outturns for Q3.  Performance was positive with all three strategic scorecard Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) achieving target and where previous performance data is available they have either maintained or improved.  Across all KPIs three had been rated as red and all related to the Strategic objective of thriving place.  Number of visits to visit Maidstone, footfall on the High Street and visits to the visitor information centre the reduced performance against target for these areas was also reflected nationally.


A proposal was put forward for the predicted underspend to be rolled forward as a Member Grant pot of funding for up to £750 of grant as there was currently no provision for a Member Grant in 2020/21 and it was felt that such a grant would enable Members do provide effective funding to make a difference to small groups.  If the underspend did not materialise then the grant would be adjusted accordingly.  The Committee expressed some concern about how prescriptive the current Member Grant scheme was.  It was requested that the scheme be brought back to the first meeting of Policy and Resources after the snap committee meeting in the next municipal year.




1.  The revenue position at the end of quarter 3 and the actions being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant variances have been identified, be noted;


2.  The Capital position at the end of Quarter 3 be noted;


3.  The summary of Performance for Quarter 3 for Key Performance Indicators is noted;


4.  The uncollectable Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) listed on Appendix 3 of the report be approved for write-off; and


5.  The current projected underspend for 2019/20 at paragraph A1.3 of £39k be noted and it be agreed that any unused Members’ Community Grants for 2019/20 and the first call on any other unused resources from 2019/20 be used to create a further one off provision for Members’ Grants of up to £750 for each councillor for use in 2020/21.