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Community Governance Review (Parishes) - Stage 2 Consultation

Meeting: 21/06/2023 - Democracy and General Purposes Committee (Item 22)

22 Community Governance Review (Parishes) - Stage 2 Consultation pdf icon PDF 204 KB

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The Democratic and Electoral Services Manager presented the report and identified the parish boundary changes in each proposal to go to Stage 2 consultation. It was emphasised that the decision for the Committee would be to take these proposals to Stage 2 consultation, not to determine whether the proposals would go ahead at this stage, and that the Committee would consider the outcome of the consultation in September before full Council would make the final decision on whether to adopt the outcome of the review.


The Committee supported the majority of the proposals to go through to Stage 2 consultation and identified those for further discussion. In particular the Committee expressed concern on proposal 3d with the future of Grove Green if it became unparished as a result of a Stage 2 consultation, which the Committee felt should be avoided. There were concerns that it was a significant proposal that had not arisen from Stage 1 consultation and that there were significant benefits to the area of being part of Boxley parish. However some members of the Committee felt that the question should still be asked of residents as to whether they wished to remain part of Boxley parish, form their own parish or become unparished. On balance the Committee determined not to go ahead with proposal 3d in the Stage 2 consultation.


The Committee also considered a petition to abolish Tovil parish council under proposal 10a. A petition containing 87 signatures to remove Tovil Parish Council had been submitted and the Committee considered this alongside the factors set out in the report and determined not to take the proposal forward.


1. The list of proposals set out at Appendix A be approved, with the removal of Proposal 3d – Consider Grove Green element of Boxley Parish, for Stage 2 consultation.

2. The two tier approach to consultation as set out in Appendix B, be approved; and

3. The work and provisional indication on Parish size changes set out in Appendix C, be noted.