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Issue - meetings

Consideration to administer a CPO on behalf of Golding Homes

Meeting: 18/09/2024 - Cabinet (Item 22.)

22. Consideration to administer a CPO on behalf of Golding Homes pdf icon PDF 285 KB

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Meeting: 23/07/2024 - Housing and Community Cohesion Policy Advisory Committee (Item 17)

17 Consideration to administer a CPO on behalf of Golding Homes pdf icon PDF 176 KB

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The Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness introduced the report and outlined the recommendations for the Council to use its Compulsory Purchase Powers (CPO) to secure the remaining six leasehold properties to allow for regeneration of the Cambridge Crescent area of the Shepway estate by Golding Homes. It was stated that the new homes would make good use of the brown field site and be more sustainable, better for the environment and more cost effective for residents. This would only be used in the case that all other negotiation fail and to achieve an upcoming deadline for funding from Homes England.


In response to queries, the visiting Assistant Director of Development from Golding Homes advised that:


·  To qualify for funding from Homes England for phases 2 and 3 of the regeneration, they needed to vacate the site and make a meaningful start on site in around 12 months. Golding Homes requested the Council make use of CPO powers as a backstop position due to difficulties with buy-back and resulting near-loss of funding for phase 1;

·  Golding Homes were negotiating with lease holders to agree a package. This included 3 market valuations on the properties– 2 by Golding Homes and 1 covered by Golding Homes but commissioned by the seller- of which the highest value was selected with a 10% value added. Golding Homes also covered surveying costs on the replacement property, stamp duty, moving and legal fees as statutory;

·  Golding Homes would prefer not to resort to the CPO and were negotiating the 6 leases with the 5 remaining leaseholders. They had offered information evenings, provided newsletters and a presence at Shepway Hub with a dedicated coordinator. There was also work toward reintegrating with the community once the properties are built and an opportunity to buy back into the area;


The Committee were happy with the feedback from the visiting officer and that their questions had been answered fully. It was requested that updates could be provided on the progress of the negotiations and regeneration, which the Assistant Director of Development from Golding Homes agreed.




1.  Subject to Golding Homes indemnifying the Council for all associated costs, the Council utilise its CPO powers as outlined in the report, thus enabling the redevelopment of Cambridge Crescent to proceed; and

2.  The Director of Finance, Resources and Business Improvement be given delegated authority to commission professional services and carry out all other necessary steps to enable the CPO powers to be exercised.