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Internal Audit Report and Annual Audit Opinion 2023/24

Meeting: 29/07/2024 - Audit, Governance and Standards Committee (Item 21)

21 Internal Audit Report and Annual Audit Opinion 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 126 KB

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The Head of Mid-Kent Audit introduced the report and stated that Maidstone Borough Council had adequate and effective risk management, control and governance processes in place to manage the achievement of objectives. There were three strong audits, twelve and a half sound audits and three and a half weak audits. Staffing issues in the team were addressed and an increased number of nineteen audit reports were issued this year. There were no outstanding actions to be taken.


In response to concerns raised around Subsidiary Company Governance, the Head of Mid-Kent Audit agreed to follow up on meetings of the enforcement groups established to monitor MBC developments. She also assured Members that there were follow-up procedures in place to ensure that actions for risk were completed and also agreed to consider including time scale data for Member information in future reports.



1.  The Head of Audit Partnership’s opinion be noted; and

2.  The work underlying the opinion and the Head of Audit Partnership’s assurance of its independent completion in conformance with proper standards be noted.