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Issue - meetings

Independent Member of Audit Committee

Meeting: 07/06/2010 - Audit Committee (Item 14)

14 Independent Member of Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 55 KB

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Following the decision of the Council to increase the membership of the Audit Committee to include a non-voting Independent Member, the Committee considered a report by the Director of Resources and Partnerships setting out a proposed process for the appointment of a suitably qualified person to fill the position.  The report included a suggested role description and person specification which had been developed from an Audit Commission and CIPFA best practice guidance note.  It was noted that the Standards Committee had endorsed an appointment process that replicated the process used to appoint its Independent Members, but this did not mean that the Audit Committee was obliged to recommend this approach.




1.  That subject to:-


Clarification as to whether it is a statutory requirement for the Independent Member of the Audit Committee not to have been a Councillor or Officer of the Council in the preceding five years prior to appointment;


It being desirable (as opposed to essential) for the Independent Member to be a CCAB qualified accountant; and


It being made clear that the role will require a commitment to attend at least six evening meetings a year


the suggested role description and person specification for the position of Independent Member of the Audit Committee, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Director of Resources and Partnerships, be approved.




  That the following process be adopted for the appointment of a non-voting Independent Member of the Audit Committee:-


·  Advertise in appropriate local media and forward details to all partner agencies for expressions of interest in the role.


·  Supply the role description and person specification to all respondents, with a request to return a Curriculum Vitae (CV) if they remain interested.


·  Review CVs and select candidates who meet the person specification.


·  Select the appropriate candidate at a formal interview.


  The advertisement and the interaction with interested candidates, supplying the role description and person specification and receiving CVs will be completed by Officers.


  The review of CVs will be strictly in accordance with best match to the person specification and will be carried out by the Chairman and a selected Member of the Audit Committee and the Director of Regeneration and Communities.


  The interview and selection of the appropriate candidate will be by the Audit Committee or representative Members of the Committee.