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Issue - meetings

Draft Strategic Plan

Meeting: 02/03/2011 - Council (Item 130)

130 Report of the Cabinet held on 9 February 2011 - Strategic Plan 2011-15 pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Garland, seconded by Councillor J A Wilson, that the recommendations of the Cabinet relating to the Strategic Plan 2011-15 be approved.




1.  That subject to the addition of a foreword from the Leader of the Council and an introduction from the Chief Executive, the proposed Strategic Plan 2011-15, attached as an Appendix to the Record of Recommendation of the Cabinet, be adopted.


2.  That the Chief Executive be given delegated authority in consultation with the Leader of the Council to make minor amendments to the document as required.


Meeting: 09/02/2011 - Cabinet. (Item 133)

133 Draft Strategic Plan pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive regarding the draft Strategic Plan 2011-15.




That the Strategic Plan 2011-15 be adopted, subject to


i)  the addition of a foreward from the Leader of the Council and an introduction from the Chief Executive; and

ii)  Delegation to the Chief Executive to make minor amendments, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, as required.