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Core Strategy 2006-2026: Next Steps

Meeting: 21/02/2011 - Joint Local Development Document Advisory Group and Leisure & Prosperity Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Core Strategy 2006-2026: Next Steps pdf icon PDF 133 KB

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The Joint Committee considered the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment regarding the next steps to public participation for the Core Strategy, amendments to the draft vision and objectives and the local connection criterion for gypsy and traveller accommodation.


Officers responded to Members’ queries relating to, inter alia, the South East Maidstone Strategic Link (“SEMSL”), surface water flooding, the order in which regeneration takes place and the local connection criteria for gypsy and traveller accommodation.




1.  That the amendments to the draft spatial vision and objectives for the Core Strategy as set out in the report of the Director of Change Planning and the Environment, be noted.


2.  That Cabinet be recommended:-


i)  That the Core Strategy policy for gypsy and traveller accommodation does not include a local connection criterion.

ii)  To re-affirm their support for the Leeds/Langley By-Pass and that reference to the SEMSL be deleted from the Core Strategy and all relevant documents.