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Issue - meetings

Annual Licensing Training Event 2011

Meeting: 28/07/2011 - Licensing Committee (old regime) (Item 43)

43 Annual Licensing Training Event 2011 pdf icon PDF 52 KB

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The Committee considered the report of the Head of Democratic Services seeking the appointment of a Member to attend the Licensing Training Event 2011 being held in Birmingham.  It had been approved by the Member and Employment and Development Panel that they would fund one member to attend this training event.




1.  That the Member and Employment and Development Panel be asked to reconsider the decision to fund only one member, that a second member be funded and that representatives of the Committee would attend a meeting of the Panel to put forward its case for the funding for the additional member.


2.  That the Head of Democratic Services be asked to investigate whether there were any funds available within the Licensing budget to fund a second person to attend the training and that this matter be considered by the Political Group Spokespersons for the Committee.

3.  That the Political Group Spokespersons for the Committee be asked to appoint the member(s) to attend the annual training event 2011.