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Issue - meetings

Statement of Accounts 201112

Meeting: 16/07/2012 - Audit Committee (Item 26)

26 Statement of Accounts 2011-12 pdf icon PDF 65 KB

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The Committee considered the report of the Head of Finance and Customer Services setting out the un-audited Statement of Accounts for 2011/12 which had been produced in accordance with the CIPFA Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the United Kingdom 2011/12.  It was noted that:-


·  Under the amended Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011, there was no longer a requirement for Members to approve the Statement of Accounts prior to it being submitted for external audit.  Instead, the Statement had to be signed by the Director of Regeneration and Communities, as the responsible officer, by 30 June and then approved by the Audit Committee by 30 September following the external audit.  Notwithstanding these revised arrangements, it was considered appropriate to provide an early opportunity for Members to review the Statement and ask questions.


·  After the introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards in the 2010/11 Code of Practice there was only one significant change in 2011/12, this being the introduction of a category for Heritage Assets.  These were defined as assets with historical, artistic, scientific, technological, geophysical or environmental qualities that were held and maintained principally for their contribution to knowledge or culture.  Following a review of assets a number of Heritage Assets had been identified and valued where it was practical and cost effective to do so.  Full details were disclosed in a note to the Accounts, and the Balance Sheet for 2010/11 had been restated to reflect the position had this category been in existence then.


·  The Statement provided evidence that the Council had been able to continue to effectively manage its resources through the particularly difficult economic conditions of the last few years, and that it was in a good position to deal with the continuing economic uncertainty.


·  Key messages from the Statement were as follows:-


The value of Long Term Assets had decreased by £9.9m.  The major part of this decrease was a significant downward revaluation of the Maidstone Leisure Centre.  The new value was a reflection of a different set of assumptions used by the valuer in arriving at the figure compared to those used in the previous valuation.  (A new valuer was engaged for this year).  Subsequently, the External Auditor had suggested that the change be dealt with as a prior period adjustment and that last year’s balance be re-stated.


Current Assets had decreased by £7.1m.  This was due, in the main, to a reduction in the value of cash investments at the end of the financial year, and reflected the continuing use of resources to fund the capital programme which included major projects at the Museum, Mote Park and in the High Street.


Current Liabilities had decreased by £6.0m reflecting changes in monies owing to Central Government at the end of the financial year in respect of Housing Benefits and Business Rates.


There had been an increase in Long Term Liabilities of £15.4m, which was primarily due to a change in the projected deficit on the Pension Fund, which had increased from £30.3m  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26