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Issue - meetings

Nominations to Outside Bodies

Meeting: 21/05/2012 - General Purposes Group (Item 11)

11 Nominations to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 62 KB

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The Group considered the report of the Head of Democratic Services regarding nominations to Outside Bodies.




1.  That Councillor Naghi be appointed to the vacancy on Cutbush and Corrall Charities with immediate effect and until 31 March 2016.


2.  That Councillor Mrs Parvin be appointed to the vacancy on the Kent Downs AONB Joint Advisory Committee from 21 May 2012 until 20 May 2013.


3.  That Councillor Parvin be appointed as the Voting Member on the Local Government Association Rural Commission from 31 May 2012 until 30 May 2013 and further nominations be sought for the Non-Voting vacancy.


4.  That Councillor Garland be appointed as the Voting Member and Councillor Paine the Non-Voting Member on the Local Government Association Urban Commission from 31 May 2012 until 30 May 2013.


5.  That Councillors Daley, Pickett and Paterson be appointed to the 3 vacancies on the Maidstone Area Arts Partnership from 21 May 2012 until 20 May 2013.


6.  That Councillors D Mortimer and Yates be appointed to the 2 vacancies on the Maidstone YMCA from 21 May 2012 until 20 May 2013.


7.  That Councillor Mrs Parvin be appointed as the Committee Member and Councillor Ash as the Substitute Member to the Mid Kent Downs Steering Group from 21 May 2012 until 20 May 2013.


8.  That Councillor Parvin be appointed as the Committee Member and Councillor Mrs Parvin as the Substitute Member to Tourism South East from 21 May 2012 until 20 May 2013.


9.  That Councillors Nelson-Gracie and Warner be appointed to the 2 vacancies on the Upper Medway Internal Drainage Board from 1 July 2012 until 30 June 2014.


10.  That all Members be informed that the Group will not accept a nomination if the nomination form does not provide the appropriate information required for it to make a decision to appoint.