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Review of the Housing Assistance Policy

Meeting: 25/06/2012 - Housing Consultative Board (Item 11)

11 Review of the Housing Assistance Policy pdf icon PDF 86 KB


The Board considered the report of the Head of Housing and Community Services regarding the options for reviewing the Council’s Housing Assistance Policy to be taken forward in a new policy.


Officers responded to questions raised by Members regarding, inter alia, private landlords, grant limits, suitability of repairs and use of the thermal efficiency study previously carried out.


A Member raised concerns regarding the opportunity to utilise fuel purchasing consortia to bulk buy fuel which Officers noted.




1.  That consideration be given to alternative funding arrangements for Golding Homes’ tenants’ Disabled Facilities Grants (“DFGs”) whereby the Council’s contribution to these DFGs is agreed collectively based on the Housing Stock Transfer Agreement.


2.  That the following changes in approach to the Housing Assistance Programme be investigated:-

i)  Any loan arrangement could either be for a fixed term, or be fixed to the sale of the property.

ii)  To consider whether to strengthen the grants offer to landlords to increase the outcomes, or alternatively to cease the assistance to private landlords given the council’s ability to enforce standards in the private rented sector

iii)  To consider assisting residents to improve the thermal performance of the built fabric of the home with renewable energy measures that while not necessarily improving energy efficiency would reduce their direct fuel costs

iv)  To consider another opportunity within rural off-gas network areas to utilise fuel purchasing consortia to bulk buy fuel, e.g. domestic heating oil to secure larger discounts that can reduce the cost per litre. Assistance could be provided to pump-prime these local schemes and enable residents to benefit in the long-term

v)  To consider the many innovative schemes that operate across the country to return empty homes back into use, (e.g. the use of local residents seeking employment and training to undertake building work etc who are then able to occupy the home when completed) and one or more scheme could be funded through this programme.