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Issue - meetings

Spatial Planning Strategy

Meeting: 08/06/2012 - Standards Committee (old regime) (Item 18)

18 Spatial Planning Strategy pdf icon PDF 33 KB

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The Committee was asked to evaluate the amendment of the Constitution as a consequence of a proposal to establish a Spatial Planning Strategy Advisory Group as a means to provide all party involvement in giving advice to the Cabinet and the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development on decisions required in relation to the spatial planning strategy and to create a clear division between the scrutiny and advisory elements of the process.  It was noted that the proposal would be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 13 June 2012 and the Committee’s views would be reported to the Cabinet and included in any subsequent report from the Cabinet to the Council.


The Committee felt that given the importance of the work to be undertaken by the Group, consideration should be given to enabling Substitute Members to be appointed; allowing Visiting Members to attend and speak at its meetings; allowing any Member to request that items be included on agendas for its meetings; and providing for the public proceedings of its meetings to be webcast.


RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to the CABINET and the COUNCIL:  That it be noted that, in accordance with Article 15.02 (a) of the Constitution, the Standards Committee has evaluated the amendment of the Constitution as a consequence of the proposal to establish a Spatial Planning Strategy Advisory Group and believes that given the importance of the work to be undertaken by the Group, the following issues need to be considered for possible inclusion by the Council:-


·  Enabling Substitute Members to be appointed to the Group;

·  Allowing Visiting Members to attend and speak at meetings of the Group;

·  Allowing any Member to request that items be included on agendas for meetings of the Group; and

·  Providing for the public proceedings of meetings of the Group to be webcast.