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Issue - meetings

Asset Management Plan 2012-15

Meeting: 08/08/2012 - Cabinet. (Item 66)

66 Asset Management Plan 2012-15 pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services regarding the Asset Management Plan 2012-15.


Officers circulated some revisions to the Asset Management Plan at 2.7 (page 7), 6.3 (page 17) and a revised Appendix D.  A Member noticed that at 6.4 (page 18), the second bullet point should read Tunbridge Wells and Ashford and not Swale.




1.  That the Asset Management Plan 2012-15 be agreed, subject to the amendments outlined above.


2.  That Council be recommended to adopt the revised Asset Management Plan 2012-15.