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Issue - meetings


Meeting: 10/07/2013 - Cabinet. (Item 51)


Notice has been given pursuant to Executive Procedure Rule 2.6 of the intention to present a petition in the following terms:-


Proposed plan to build circ. 600 houses including an access road and proposed development through Bluebell Wood - East of Hermitage lane.


We the undersigned call upon Maidstone Borough Council to deliver upon their duty under the National Planning Policy Framework to urgently act to protect ancient Bluebell Wood and its landscape setting from any damage and disturbance by developers Croudace.



That the Petition regarding Bluebell Wood be accepted as a representation as part of the consultation on the Local Plan.



Mr Keith Young presented a Petition in relation to land east of Hermitage Lane, known as Bluebell Wood on behalf of residents and the local community.


DECISION MADE:  That the Petition regarding Bluebell Wood be accepted as a representation as part of the consultation on the Local Plan.


To view full details of this decision, please click here:-