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Broomfield & Kingswood and Sutton Valence Parish Councils Increase Number of Councillors

Meeting: 24/10/2014 - General Purposes Group (Item 22)

22 Report of the Head of Finance and Resources - Broomfield and Kingswood and Sutton Valence Parish Councils Increase Number of Councillors pdf icon PDF 70 KB

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The Head of Finance and Resources introduced the report detailing the requests of the Broomfield and Kingswood, and Sutton Valence Parish Council’s for an increase in the number of Councillors from 9 to 11 members. The Group heard that both Parish Councils had provided commentaries outlining the duties undertaken by Members, and stating that there had been a significant increase in work load over the past 3 years.


It was explained that the Local Government Boundaries Commission for England (LGBCE) provided a scale setting out a suggested number of Councillors commensurate with the size of the electorate of that Parish. Using this scale, the Group was advised that both Broomfield and Kingswood Parish, and Sutton Valence Parish, had a number of electorate between the figures of 701 – 1350, and as such both Parish Council’s had the number of Councillors commensurate with this size of electorate, at 9 Members.


During discussion it was noted that, where a Parish Council has a temporary increase in workload or is undertaking a large project, it may benefit from the co-opting of members or seeking voluntary assistance. It was suggested that a meeting take place outside of the Group between the Head of Finance and Resources, the Chairman of Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC), and the two Parishes in question, in order to advise further on the co-opting process and other options available.


RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to the COUNCIL: That, in accordance with the adopted scale, the requests of Broomfield and Kingswood Parish Council and Sutton Valence Parish Council for increases in the number of Parish Councillors from nine to eleven be refused.